[macemacsjp-english 377] Re: [OS X Emacs] Re: Printing from Carbon Emacs

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Seiji Zenitani zenit****@mac*****
Wed Nov 30 01:35:03 JST 2005


On 2005/11/30, at 1:06, Peter Dyballa wrote:
> Am 29.11.2005 um 13:44 schrieb Zenitani Seiji:
>> However, if the file content is exported to a pdf file, Emacs  
>> would be more user-friendly, because the user can preview the  
>> content via Preview.app (not Safari).
> I can't see the benefit of Preview. I almost never use it, TeXShop  
> is, at least on Panther, a much better PDF viewer. And it does not  
> have to be Safari. All you need to do is to make your personal  
> default browser be the system's default application for file  
> extensions like htm or html or HTM or HTML. For me this is OmniWeb,  
> before it was Shiira.
> But sure: there can be more than one way to print a buffer in  
> Emacs! I don't know any other HTML to PDF convertor (maybe going  
> via TeX), but since coral is a command line application it can  
> easily by used to convert the HTML output file into PDF which then  
> is passed to Preview. Instead of htmlize-view-buffer another  
> function (html2pdf-view-buffer?) would convert the HTML file with  
> the well-known file name to PDF ... and it could be done in /tmp  
> too (I think Lennart Borgman comes from MS Windows)

Yes, I am planning to use /tmp and it will be a really easy hack,  
because I've written similar elisps for ghostscript and because it  
will be the same logic as pdf-preview. The problem is that coral only  
accepts REMOTE URLs such as http:// or https://; it does not  
recognize local file path (/tmp/ or file:///tmp/....). That's why I'm  
asking "similar" command line tools.

best wishes,

Seiji Zenitani

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