[macemacsjp-english 345] Hide Emacs function

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Christopher C.Stacy cstac****@dtpq*****
Mon Nov 21 16:38:28 JST 2005

I have mac-command-key-is-meta set, but then I want certain
Mac commands available on the command key again.

For example, I've done this:

(global-set-key [(meta w)] 'close-current-window-asktosave)
(unless aquamacsp
(defun close-current-window-asktosave ()
  ;; not really the same, but close enough for me...

Now I want meta-H to Hide Emacs,
(I would also like option-command-H to Hide Others,
as someone else has requested.)

Are there functions to do this that I can call from Lisp?


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