Tobias Wrigstad
Tue May 10 19:27:42 JST 2005
Hi, I'm an addict of Emacs and the CarbonEmacs port. So much in fact that I waited to upgrade to Tiger until the CarbonEmacs Tiger build became available. Anyway, I cannot seem to get cmd+h to work properly. It worked fine in the previous build. My layman's diagnose is that CarbonEmacs steals all keyboard input and does not pass it on to the system as I cannot even get the Hide Emacs hotkey to work even if I change it (through the System Preferences) to something that Emacs has no keybinding for. I found people have been requesting cmd+h to map to mark-paragraph, but not the other way around. I also tried to set the mac-pass-command-to-system and mac-pass-control-to-system variables but to no avail. One one occasion I've been able to invoke Hide Others using the regular keys, but was unable to see any pattern. I know there are other ways of hiding Emacs, but I still would like to get this to work. If anyone out there has a clue, please tell me. I'm using a Swedish keyboard, it that is of any importance. Regards, Tobias Wrigstad