Seiji Zenitani
Sat May 7 12:20:06 JST 2005
Hi all, Carbon Emacs Package (Mar. '05) is available at: * built for Tiger * emacs 22.0.50 (CVS 2005-05-01) * new inline input-method patch applied (courtesy of Hashimoto-san) ** Settings for Chinese/Japanese/Korean languages have been changed. Please see the wiki page at CarbonEmacsPackage. * transparency patch v0.2.1 applied (courtesy of Hiromatsu-san) ** added M-x mac-set-transparency (See [macemacsjp-dev 71]) * removed hide_menubar patch, SKK and physical-line-mode. * updated aspell (0.50 => 0.60) * isearch works fine now * added xdvi-search * added a minor mode "mac-preview-mode". When this minor mode is on, an image of the buffer or the region can be previewed by with help from the gs program (/usr/local/bin/gs). * "Help > Carbon Emacs Package" menu has been revised. ** The user can save his or her settings by choosing "Save Options". The settings are saved in the preference file: ~/Library/Preferences/ CarbonEmacsPackage.plist. * The file-name-coding-system is set to utf-8 with accent-character modifications. Sincerely, Seiji Zenitani