[macemacsjp-english 161] Re: Installing new aspell dictionaries for Carbon Emacs Package

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Seiji Zenitani zenit****@mac*****
Thu Aug 18 02:15:54 JST 2005


On 2005/08/17, at 20:10, Peter Heslin wrote:
> First of all, thanks for your work in producing the Carbon Emacs
> Package.  I have a software project called Easymacs, which is a
> configuration for Emacs oriented towards non-technical users.  I have
> recently added instructions on how to use it under Mac OS X, and I
> have recommended installing Carbon Emacs Package and the Easymacs.
> There is some redundancy (both include AUCTeX, for example) but I am
> not worried about that.  From my point of view, ease of installation
> is the most important thing for non-technical users, and Carbon Emacs
> Package is very easy to install.  Here are the installation
> instructions:
> http://www.dur.ac.uk/p.j.heslin/Software/Emacs/Easymacs/mac-install.php

Thank you for your comments. I agree with you that ease of installation  
is the most important.

In addition to your instruction, the below URLs may be helpful to  
english non-technical users:

* http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/emacs-en/CarbonEmacsPackage#toc12
* http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/emacs-en/CarbonEmacsPackage#toc6

> I have put instructions up on my web-page on how to install additional
> dictionaries for Carbon Emacs Package, but they are much too
> complicated for non-technical users:
> http://www.dur.ac.uk/p.j.heslin/Software/Emacs/Easymacs/mac-aspell- 
> dicts.php

I have added the above URL to the FAQ page:

> I wonder if you would consider providing a way to automate this
> process?  For example, there could be an Emacs menu item that would
> bring up a dialog to select a tar.bz2 file.  Then it would copy that
> file to a temporary dir, run bunzip2, tar x, configure, make, copy the
> files to Contents/Resources/lib/aspell-0.60/, and delete the temp
> file.
Auto-install-feature is already provided, although I have not  yet  
provided documents. Please examine "Help > Carbon Emacs Package  >  
Net-Install" menu in the menu bar and the relevant files such as:

* http://macemacsjp.sourceforge.jp/package/netinstall/yatex/
* http://macemacsjp.sourceforge.jp/package/netinstall/yatex.tgz

Best wishes,

--- Seiji

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