[macemacsjp-cvs 123] CVS update: CarbonEmacsPackage/GPL/patch

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Seiji Zenitani zenit****@users*****
2005年 11月 16日 (水) 22:49:21 JST

Index: CarbonEmacsPackage/GPL/patch/carbon-emacs-package.patch
diff -u CarbonEmacsPackage/GPL/patch/carbon-emacs-package.patch:1.3 CarbonEmacsPackage/GPL/patch/carbon-emacs-package.patch:1.4
--- CarbonEmacsPackage/GPL/patch/carbon-emacs-package.patch:1.3	Mon Nov 14 03:46:10 2005
+++ CarbonEmacsPackage/GPL/patch/carbon-emacs-package.patch	Wed Nov 16 22:49:21 2005
@@ -1,141 +1,3 @@
-*** src/macfns.c.orig	Wed Jun  8 14:57:39 2005
---- src/macfns.c	Sun Jun 26 01:46:53 2005
-*************** mac_nav_event_callback (selector, parms,
-*** 4461,4466 ****
---- 4461,4578 ----
-       void *data ;
-  {
-  }
-+ #if MAC_OSX
-+ DEFUN ("mac-show-menu-bar", Fmac_show_menu_bar, Smac_show_menu_bar, 0, 1, "",
-+        doc: /* Show the menu bar.  */)
-+   (display)
-+      Lisp_Object display;
-+ {
-+   if ( EQ (Vwindow_system, intern ("mac")))
-+     ShowMenuBar();
-+   return Qnil;
-+ }
-+ DEFUN ("mac-hide-menu-bar", Fmac_hide_menu_bar, Smac_hide_menu_bar, 0, 1, "",
-+        doc: /* Hide the menu bar.  */)
-+   (display)
-+      Lisp_Object display;
-+ {
-+   if ( EQ (Vwindow_system, intern ("mac")))
-+     HideMenuBar();
-+   return Qnil;
-+ }
-+ DEFUN ("mac-dialog", Fmac_dialog, Smac_dialog, 2, 2, "",
-+        doc: /* Show a dialog.  */)
-+   (message, explanation)
-+      Lisp_Object message, explanation;
-+ {
-+   DialogRef 		sheet=NULL;
-+   AlertStdCFStringAlertParamRec alertParams;
-+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (selected_frame);
-+   CHECK_STRING (message);
-+   CHECK_STRING (explanation);
-+   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f))
-+     {
-+       GetStandardAlertDefaultParams(&alertParams,kStdCFStringAlertVersionOne);
-+       alertParams.defaultText=(CFStringRef)kAlertDefaultOKText;	
-+       alertParams.defaultButton=kAlertStdAlertOKButton;	
-+       BLOCK_INPUT;
-+       {
-+ 	CFStringRef msgTitle = NULL, msgExplanation = NULL;
-+ 	msgTitle       = cfstring_create_with_string (message);
-+ 	msgExplanation = cfstring_create_with_string (explanation);
-+ 	OSStatus err;
-+ 	err = CreateStandardAlert(kAlertNoteAlert,
-+ 				  msgTitle,
-+ 				  msgExplanation,
-+ 				  &alertParams,
-+ 				  &sheet);
-+ 	if(err == noErr)
-+ 	  err = RunStandardAlert(sheet,
-+ 				 NULL,
-+ 				 NULL);
-+ 	CFRelease (msgTitle);
-+ 	CFRelease (msgExplanation);
-+       }
-+     }
-+   return Qnil;
-+ }
-+ DEFUN ("mac-dialog-y-or-n-p", Fmac_dialog_y_or_n_p, Smac_dialog_y_or_n_p, 2, 2, "",
-+        doc: /* Show a dialog, which asks user a "Yes or No" question.
-+ Return t if answer is "Yes". Takes two arguments,
-+ which is the strings to display to ask the question.  */)
-+   (message, explanation)
-+      Lisp_Object message, explanation;
-+ {
-+   DialogRef 		sheet=NULL;
-+   AlertStdCFStringAlertParamRec alertParams;
-+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (selected_frame);
-+   CHECK_STRING (message);
-+   CHECK_STRING (explanation);
-+   SInt16 index = 0;
-+   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f))
-+     {
-+       GetStandardAlertDefaultParams(&alertParams,kStdCFStringAlertVersionOne);
-+       alertParams.defaultText=CFSTR ("Yes");
-+       alertParams.defaultButton=kAlertStdAlertOKButton;	
-+       alertParams.cancelText=CFSTR ("No");
-+       alertParams.cancelButton=kAlertStdAlertCancelButton;
-+       BLOCK_INPUT;
-+       {
-+ 	CFStringRef msgTitle = NULL, msgExplanation = NULL;
-+ 	msgTitle       = cfstring_create_with_string (message);
-+ 	msgExplanation = cfstring_create_with_string (explanation);
-+ 	OSStatus err;
-+ 	err = CreateStandardAlert(kAlertNoteAlert,
-+ 				  msgTitle,
-+ 				  msgExplanation,
-+ 				  &alertParams,
-+ 				  &sheet);
-+ 	if(err == noErr)
-+ 	  err = RunStandardAlert(sheet,
-+ 				 NULL,
-+ 				 &index);
-+ 	CFRelease (msgTitle);
-+ 	CFRelease (msgExplanation);
-+       }
-+     }
-+   if( index==1 ){
-+     return Qt;
-+   }else{
-+     return Qnil;
-+   }
-+ }
-+ #endif /*MAC_OSX*/
-  #endif
-  /***********************************************************************
-*************** Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.  */);
-*** 4674,4679 ****
---- 4696,4707 ----
-    defsubr (&Sx_file_dialog);
-+ #if MAC_OSX
-+   defsubr (&Smac_show_menu_bar);
-+   defsubr (&Smac_hide_menu_bar);
-+   defsubr (&Smac_dialog);
-+   defsubr (&Smac_dialog_y_or_n_p);
-+ #endif
-  #endif
-  }
 --- src/puresize.h.~1.73.~	2005-07-05 01:06:34.000000000 +0900
 +++ src/puresize.h	2005-08-06 00:15:00.000000000 +0900
 @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
Index: CarbonEmacsPackage/GPL/patch/mac-functions.patch
diff -u /dev/null CarbonEmacsPackage/GPL/patch/mac-functions.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Nov 16 22:49:21 2005
+++ CarbonEmacsPackage/GPL/patch/mac-functions.patch	Wed Nov 16 22:49:21 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+*** src/macfns.c.orig	Wed Jun  8 14:57:39 2005
+--- src/macfns.c	Sun Jun 26 01:46:53 2005
+*************** mac_nav_event_callback (selector, parms,
+*** 4461,4466 ****
+--- 4461,4578 ----
+       void *data ;
+  {
+  }
++ #if MAC_OSX
++ DEFUN ("mac-show-menu-bar", Fmac_show_menu_bar, Smac_show_menu_bar, 0, 1, "",
++        doc: /* Show the menu bar.  */)
++   (display)
++      Lisp_Object display;
++ {
++   if ( EQ (Vwindow_system, intern ("mac")))
++     ShowMenuBar();
++   return Qnil;
++ }
++ DEFUN ("mac-hide-menu-bar", Fmac_hide_menu_bar, Smac_hide_menu_bar, 0, 1, "",
++        doc: /* Hide the menu bar.  */)
++   (display)
++      Lisp_Object display;
++ {
++   if ( EQ (Vwindow_system, intern ("mac")))
++     HideMenuBar();
++   return Qnil;
++ }
++ DEFUN ("mac-dialog", Fmac_dialog, Smac_dialog, 2, 2, "",
++        doc: /* Show a dialog.  */)
++   (message, explanation)
++      Lisp_Object message, explanation;
++ {
++   DialogRef 		sheet=NULL;
++   AlertStdCFStringAlertParamRec alertParams;
++   struct frame *f = XFRAME (selected_frame);
++   CHECK_STRING (message);
++   CHECK_STRING (explanation);
++   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f))
++     {
++       GetStandardAlertDefaultParams(&alertParams,kStdCFStringAlertVersionOne);
++       alertParams.defaultText=(CFStringRef)kAlertDefaultOKText;	
++       alertParams.defaultButton=kAlertStdAlertOKButton;	
++       BLOCK_INPUT;
++       {
++ 	CFStringRef msgTitle = NULL, msgExplanation = NULL;
++ 	msgTitle       = cfstring_create_with_string (message);
++ 	msgExplanation = cfstring_create_with_string (explanation);
++ 	OSStatus err;
++ 	err = CreateStandardAlert(kAlertNoteAlert,
++ 				  msgTitle,
++ 				  msgExplanation,
++ 				  &alertParams,
++ 				  &sheet);
++ 	if(err == noErr)
++ 	  err = RunStandardAlert(sheet,
++ 				 NULL,
++ 				 NULL);
++ 	CFRelease (msgTitle);
++ 	CFRelease (msgExplanation);
++       }
++     }
++   return Qnil;
++ }
++ DEFUN ("mac-dialog-y-or-n-p", Fmac_dialog_y_or_n_p, Smac_dialog_y_or_n_p, 2, 2, "",
++        doc: /* Show a dialog, which asks user a "Yes or No" question.
++ Return t if answer is "Yes". Takes two arguments,
++ which is the strings to display to ask the question.  */)
++   (message, explanation)
++      Lisp_Object message, explanation;
++ {
++   DialogRef 		sheet=NULL;
++   AlertStdCFStringAlertParamRec alertParams;
++   struct frame *f = XFRAME (selected_frame);
++   CHECK_STRING (message);
++   CHECK_STRING (explanation);
++   SInt16 index = 0;
++   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f))
++     {
++       GetStandardAlertDefaultParams(&alertParams,kStdCFStringAlertVersionOne);
++       alertParams.defaultText=CFSTR ("Yes");
++       alertParams.defaultButton=kAlertStdAlertOKButton;	
++       alertParams.cancelText=CFSTR ("No");
++       alertParams.cancelButton=kAlertStdAlertCancelButton;
++       BLOCK_INPUT;
++       {
++ 	CFStringRef msgTitle = NULL, msgExplanation = NULL;
++ 	msgTitle       = cfstring_create_with_string (message);
++ 	msgExplanation = cfstring_create_with_string (explanation);
++ 	OSStatus err;
++ 	err = CreateStandardAlert(kAlertNoteAlert,
++ 				  msgTitle,
++ 				  msgExplanation,
++ 				  &alertParams,
++ 				  &sheet);
++ 	if(err == noErr)
++ 	  err = RunStandardAlert(sheet,
++ 				 NULL,
++ 				 &index);
++ 	CFRelease (msgTitle);
++ 	CFRelease (msgExplanation);
++       }
++     }
++   if( index==1 ){
++     return Qt;
++   }else{
++     return Qnil;
++   }
++ }
++ #endif /*MAC_OSX*/
+  #endif
+  /***********************************************************************
+*************** Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.  */);
+*** 4674,4679 ****
+--- 4696,4707 ----
+    defsubr (&Sx_file_dialog);
++ #if MAC_OSX
++   defsubr (&Smac_show_menu_bar);
++   defsubr (&Smac_hide_menu_bar);
++   defsubr (&Smac_dialog);
++   defsubr (&Smac_dialog_y_or_n_p);
++ #endif
+  #endif
+  }

macemacsjp-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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