Quotation marks conflict
"„" is treated as a Japanese Character, because it is included in Adobe-Japan1-7 (a Japanese Character set). Putting \ltjsetparameter{jacharrange={-9}} in preamble (after \usepackage{luatexja-fontspec}) is the simplest solution.
Thanks a lot! I had trouble finding this in the doc, but it is "4.1 Range of JAchars", right? This is the second time you helped me a lot! One question before closing: how can I check for these kind of conflicts occuring (same character in both sets)? Again thanks a lot! Can be closed!
I had trouble finding this in the doc, but it is "4.1 Range of JAchars", right?
how can I check for these kind of conflicts occuring (same character in both sets)?
See Section 9.2 (p. 36).
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{luatexja-fontspec} \begin{document}
攻 \end{document}
renders the "„" too far apart from the rest - is there any way I can fix that?