[logaling-commit] logaling/logaling-server [master] Apply desing to search page except pagination

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SUZUKI Miho null+****@clear*****
Wed Sep 26 17:47:58 JST 2012

SUZUKI Miho	2012-09-26 17:47:58 +0900 (Wed, 26 Sep 2012)

  New Revision: d7c93d06491d3444c93b3cc1d3d1e28a12084b44

  Merged ef3396d: Merge pull request #17 from logaling/apply-design

    Apply desing to search page except pagination

  Modified files:

  Modified: app/helpers/search_helper.rb (+3 -0)
--- app/helpers/search_helper.rb    2012-09-26 15:49:43 +0900 (b3ce20a)
+++ app/helpers/search_helper.rb    2012-09-26 17:47:58 +0900 (071f9e0)
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
 module SearchHelper
+  def github_project?(glossary_name)
+    glossary_name =~ /^github/
+  end

  Modified: app/models/user_glossary.rb (+12 -0)
--- app/models/user_glossary.rb    2012-09-26 15:49:43 +0900 (846b6eb)
+++ app/models/user_glossary.rb    2012-09-26 17:47:58 +0900 (cdfbd09)
@@ -9,6 +9,18 @@ class UserGlossary < ActiveRecord::Base
   after_create :create_personal_project!
+  class << self
+    def find_by_term(term_hash, user)
+      conditions = {}
+      user_id, conditions[:name] = term_hash[:glossary_name].split("-", 2)
+      return nil if user.id != user_id.to_i
+      conditions[:source_language] = term_hash[:source_language]
+      conditions[:target_language] = term_hash[:target_language]
+      conditions[:user_id] = user.id
+      UserGlossary.find(:first, :conditions => conditions)
+    end
+  end
   def glossary_name
     "%05d-%s" % [user_id, name]

  Modified: app/views/search/index.html.haml (+16 -7)
--- app/views/search/index.html.haml    2012-09-26 15:49:43 +0900 (b26f82e)
+++ app/views/search/index.html.haml    2012-09-26 17:47:58 +0900 (664b325)
@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
-- if****@terms*****?
-  -****@terms***** do |term|
-    = render :partial => 'shared/term', :locals => {:term => term}
-- else
-  .alert.alert-info
-    %strong Not found.
-    Try another query.
+  %h1
+    検索結果
+  - if****@terms*****?
+    %p
+      1-
+      =****@terms*****
+      件表示 / 
+      =****@terms*****
+      件中
+    -****@terms***** do |term|
+      = render :partial => 'shared/term', :locals => {:term => term}
+  - else
+    %p
+      = @query
+      は見つかりませんでした。

  Modified: app/views/shared/_term.html.haml (+26 -11)
--- app/views/shared/_term.html.haml    2012-09-26 15:49:43 +0900 (ac4dbbd)
+++ app/views/shared/_term.html.haml    2012-09-26 17:47:58 +0900 (560fee3)
@@ -1,11 +1,26 @@
-  %span.source-language.label= term[:source_language]
-  %span.source-term= render_sinpped(term[:snipped_source_term])
-  %span.target-language.label= term[:target_language]
-  %span.target-term= term[:target_term]
-  - if term[:note].present?
-    %i.icon-pencil
-    %span.note= term[:note]
-  .pull-right
-    %i.icon-folder-open
-    %span= term[:glossary_name]
+  .row
+    .span9
+      %span.label<>
+        = term[:source_language]
+      = render_sinpped(term[:snipped_source_term])
+      %span.label<>
+        = term[:target_language]
+      = term[:target_term]
+      %i.icon-pencil
+        %span= term[:note]
+    .span2.property
+      - if github_project?(term[:glossary_name])
+        %p.githubProject
+          = link_to term[:glossary_name], '#'
+      - else
+        - user_glossary = UserGlossary.find_by_term(term, current_user)
+        %p.logalingProject
+          = link_to term[:glossary_name], '#'
+        - if user_glossary
+          %p.btn-group.actions
+            %a.btn.btn-mini{ :href => '#', :title => '編集' }
+              %i.icon-pencil
+            %a.btn.btn-mini{ :href => '#', :title => '削除する' }
+              %i.icon-trash
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