[logaling-commit] logaling/logaling-server [master] Add validation for multiple input

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SUZUKI Miho null+****@clear*****
Mon Dec 17 16:03:29 JST 2012

SUZUKI Miho	2012-12-17 16:03:29 +0900 (Mon, 17 Dec 2012)

  New Revision: 989e089578999c8841484eab983d480f91d8a1d7

  Merged 2027dad: Merge pull request #46 from logaling/enable-adding-multiple-terms

    Add validation for multiple input

  Modified files:

  Modified: app/controllers/terms_controller.rb (+6 -4)
--- app/controllers/terms_controller.rb    2012-12-17 16:02:41 +0900 (a156efe)
+++ app/controllers/terms_controller.rb    2012-12-17 16:03:29 +0900 (b4bbd1b)
@@ -5,18 +5,20 @@ class TermsController < ApplicationController
   def new
     @term = GlossaryEntry.new
+    @terms = [GlossaryEntry.new]
   def create
+    @terms = []
     params[:glossary_entry].each do |key, glossary_entry|
       next if glossary_entry[:source_term].empty? && glossary_entry[:target_term].empty?
-      @term = GlossaryEntry.new(glossary_entry)
-      # TODO: 毎回command側のindexが走るので注意。あとで改善する
-      @user_glossary.add!(@term)
+      @terms << GlossaryEntry.new(glossary_entry)
+    @user_glossary.add!(@terms)
     redirect_to user_glossary_path(current_user, @user_glossary), notice: 'Term was successfully added.'
-  rescue ArgumentError, Logaling::GlossaryNotFound
+  rescue ArgumentError, Logaling::GlossaryNotFound => e
+    logger.debug e.message
     render action: "new"

  Modified: app/controllers/user_glossaries_controller.rb (+1 -0)
--- app/controllers/user_glossaries_controller.rb    2012-12-17 16:02:41 +0900 (306b5ce)
+++ app/controllers/user_glossaries_controller.rb    2012-12-17 16:03:29 +0900 (d5f4cc4)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ class UserGlossariesController < ApplicationController
   def show
     @user = User.find_by_name(params[:user_id])
     @term = GlossaryEntry.new
+    @terms = [GlossaryEntry.new]
     @user_glossary =****@user*****_glossary(params[:id])
     @registered_terms = Kaminari.paginate_array(@user_glossary.terms).page(params[:page])
   rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound

  Modified: app/models/user_glossary.rb (+17 -6)
--- app/models/user_glossary.rb    2012-12-17 16:02:41 +0900 (af6aa63)
+++ app/models/user_glossary.rb    2012-12-17 16:03:29 +0900 (8a5f927)
@@ -51,17 +51,28 @@ class UserGlossary < ActiveRecord::Base
     "%s/%s" % [name, "#{source_language}-#{target_language}"]
-  def add!(term)
-    raise ArgumentError unless term.valid?
+  def add!(terms)
+    valid = true
+    terms.each do |term|
+      valid = false unless term.valid?
+    end
+    raise ArgumentError unless valid#terms.all?(&:valid?)
     glossary = find_glossary
     raise Logaling::GlossaryNotFound unless glossary
-    glossary.add(term.source_term, term.target_term, term.note)
+    terms.each do |term|
+      if glossary.bilingual_pair_exists?(term.source_term, term.target_term, term.note)
+        term.errors.add(:target_term, " #{term.target_term} は既に登録されています")
+        raise ArgumentError
+      end
+    end
-  rescue Logaling::TermError
-    term.errors.add(:source_term, "term '#{term.source_term}: #{term.target_term}' already exists in '#{name}'")
-    raise ArgumentError
+    terms.each do |term|
+      p term
+      glossary.add(term.source_term, term.target_term, term.note, false)
+    end
+    glossary.index!
   def update(term, new_term)

  Modified: app/views/terms/_form.html.haml (+8 -12)
--- app/views/terms/_form.html.haml    2012-12-17 16:02:41 +0900 (2ce1afa)
+++ app/views/terms/_form.html.haml    2012-12-17 16:03:29 +0900 (26c1958)
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
-= form_for @term, url: user_glossary_terms_path(current_user, @user_glossary), :html => { :class => 'form-horizontal' } do |f|
-  -if****@term*****?
-    #error_explanation
-      %h2= "#{pluralize(@term.errors.count, "error")} prohibited this term from being saved:"
-      %ul
-        -****@term*****_messages.each do |msg|
-          %li= msg
+= form_for @terms, url: user_glossary_terms_path(current_user, @user_glossary), :html => { :class => 'form-horizontal' } do |f|
     = f.label :source_term, :class => 'control-label required'
     = f.label :target_term, :class => 'control-label required'
     = f.label :note, :class => 'control-label'
-  .control-group#term1
-    = f.text_field :source_term, :id => 'source_term1', :class => 'source_term', :name => 'glossary_entry[1][source_term]'
-    = f.text_field :target_term, :id => 'target_term1', :class => 'target_term', :name => 'glossary_entry[1][target_term]'
-    = f.text_field :note, :id => 'note1', :class => 'note', :name => 'glossary_entry[1][note]'
+  -****@terms*****_with_index do |term, i|
+    .control-group{:id => "term#{i+1}"}
+      = text_field_tag :source_term, term.source_term, :id => 'source_term1', :class => 'source_term', :name => "glossary_entry[#{i+1}][source_term]"
+      = text_field_tag :target_term, term.target_term, :id => 'target_term1', :class => 'target_term', :name => "glossary_entry[#{i+1}][target_term]"
+      = text_field_tag :note, term.note,:id => 'note1', :class => 'note', :name => "glossary_entry[#{i+1}][note]"
+      - term.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
+        %span.text-error= msg
     = f.button 'フォームを追加する', :id => 'add_btn', :class => 'btn btn-small', :type => 'button'
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