[Joypy-announce] Splitting the repo into Joypy, Thun, and Xerblin

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Simon Forman sform****@hushm*****
Tue May 26 10:27:31 JST 2020

I'm splitting the repo into two or three new repos:

1 the pure-python joy implementation w/o type code

2 the experimental GUI and VUI aka Xerblin

3 The Prolog joy implementation, including meta-programming stuff like type checking/inference and compiling.

The Joypy code is useful but the Prolog version of Joy is much more elegant, and the GUI should work with both Joy implementations (over a socket or something).


"The history of mankind for the last four centuries is rather like
that of an imprisoned sleeper, stirring clumsily and uneasily while
the prison that restrains and shelters him catches fire, not waking
but incorporating the crackling and warmth of the fire with ancient
and incongruous dreams, than like that of a man consciously awake to
danger and opportunity."
--H. G. Wells, "A Short History of the World"

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