Possibly they need to be included like
extern "C" { #include "c-stylefile.h" }
Depends what you're trying to do with this. iostream wont be too useful because all input/output is already done through angband utility functions that are hooked into port-specific UIs. What other libraries do you want to use?
Basically two (low priority) points.
1. I wanted to 'have the option' if needed. 2. In my ongoing (er, just started) efforts to learn C++ I wanted to be able to make the code look "more like C++ should", IYKWIM.
Er, maybe it's just because the files aren't really C++ files until they have the .cpp extension. (D'oh!).
It seems that the large number of include files, particularly those that include other include files, are causing problems when trying to add standard C++ includes - like #include <iostream>.
(Actual cause of problems may be different)
In any case alterations to any of the include files appears to be very sensitive.