McGrew Ohland
2009年 12月 30日 (水) 15:20:22 JST
And disclosed a hole through which he could both hear and see most of what took place inside. Lest any one should wonder at the facility with which the ground lent itself to this manoeuvre, we may as well explain that the bold scout possessed one of those far-reaching minds which are not satisfied without looking into _everything_,--seeing to the bottom of, and peering round to the rear of, all things, as far as possible. He always acted on the principle of making himself acquainted with every road and track and by-path, every stream, pond, river, and spring in the land. Hence he was well aware of this haunt of outlaws, and, happening to be near it one day when its owners were absent, he had turned aside to make the little arrangement of a peep-hole, in the belief that it might possibly turn out to be of advantage in course of time! The clump of shrubs and grass on the rugged bank, which formed the top of the cave, effectually concealed the natural hollow which he had deepened, and the overhanging mass of the rugged cliff protected it from rain and dew. What Hunky Ben saw on looking through his peep-hole filled him with surprise and pity, and compelled him to modify his plans. Almost below him on a brush couch, lay the tall form of Buck Tom, with the unmistakable hue of approaching death upon his countenance. Beside him, holding his head, kneeled the much-wasted figure of Leather--the reputed outlaw. Seated or standing around in solemn silence were six of the outlaws, most of whom bore tokens of the recent fight, in the form of bandage on head or limb. "I brought you to this, Leather; God forgive me," said the dying man faintly. "No, you didn't, Ralph," replied -------------- next part -------------- $B%F%-%9%H7A<00J30$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B... $B%U%!%$%kL>(B: refinish.jpg $B7?(B: image/jpeg $B%5%$%:(B: 19095 $B%P%$%H(B $B @ bL@(B: $BL5$7(B 下載