[Hiki-dev:00600] repository backend

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KOMATSU Shinichiro koma2****@ms*****
2004年 12月 5日 (日) 22:46:51 JST

hiki-dev の皆様、はじめまして。

なぜか cvs, svn といったリポジトリまわりのコードが
hikifarm に入っているのが昔から気になっていたので、

patch を添付しますが、やったことは、

(1) misc/hikifarm/index.cgi の 
    ReposDefault, ReposCvs, ReposSvn を取り出して、
    それぞれ hiki/repos/{default,cvs,svn}.rb に分割して放り込んだ。

(2) さらに、misc/plugin/{cvs,svn}.rb の中にある
    {cvs,svn}_{commit,delete} も Repos{Cvs,Svn} に入れた。

(3) misc/hikifarm/index.cgi の create_repos を
    hiki/util.rb に放り込み、hikifarm 以外からも使えるようにした。

(4) ここまでやると、plugin の cvs.rb と svn.rb は
    これらはまとめた上で plugin/00default.rb に入れてしまった。

の 4点です。


[1] リポジトリまわりのコードを hikifarm 以外からも使えるようになった。

[2] 今まで、リポジトリ管理するためには
    hikifarm.conf で repos_type を指定しただけではダメで、
    repos_type に応じて plugin を有効にしないといけなかったのだけど、
    repos_type を指定するだけでリポジトリ管理ができるようになったので、


先日の IW2004 でかずひこさんが
「リポジトリまわりは plugin でなく hiki に入れてしまってもいいかも」
とおっしゃっていたので、patch を投げてみました。

                小松  晋一朗            
-------------- next part --------------
diff --exclude=CVS -urN hiki.orig/hiki/repos/cvs.rb hiki/hiki/repos/cvs.rb
--- hiki.orig/hiki/repos/cvs.rb	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
+++ hiki/hiki/repos/cvs.rb	Sun Dec  5 22:11:04 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# $Id$
+# Copyright (C) 2003, Koichiro Ohba <koich****@meado*****>
+# Copyright (C) 2003, Yasuo Itabashi <yasuo_itabashi{@}hotmail.com>
+# You can distribute this under GPL.
+require 'hiki/repos/default'
+# CVS Repository Backend
+module Hiki
+  class ReposCvs < ReposDefault
+     def setup()
+	oldpwd = Dir.pwd
+	begin
+	   Dir.chdir( @data_path )
+	   system( "cvs -d #{@root} init > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+	   if not File.directory?(".CVSROOT") then
+	      system( "cvs -d #{@root} co -d .CVSROOT CVSROOT > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+	   end
+	   Dir.chdir( ".CVSROOT" )
+	   system( "cvs -d #{@root} update > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+	ensure
+	   Dir.chdir( oldpwd.untaint )
+	end
+     end
+     def imported?( wiki )
+	return File.directory?( "#{@root}/#{wiki}" )
+     end
+     def import( wiki )
+	oldpwd = Dir.pwd
+	begin
+	   Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/#{wiki}/text" )
+	   system( "cvs -d #{@root} import -m 'Starting #{wiki}' #{wiki} T#{wiki} start > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+	   Dir.chdir( '..' )
+	   system( "cvs -d #{@root} co -d text #{wiki} > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+	ensure
+	   Dir.chdir( oldpwd.untaint )
+	end
+     end
+     def update( wiki )
+	oldpwd = Dir.pwd
+	begin
+	   Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/#{wiki}/text" )
+	   system( "cvs -d #{@root} update > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+	ensure
+	   Dir.chdir( oldpwd.untaint )
+	end
+     end
+     def commit( page )
+       oldpwd = Dir.pwd.untaint
+       begin
+	 Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/text" )
+	 system( "cvs -d #{@root} add -- #{page.escape} > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
+	 system( "cvs -d #{@root} ci -m '#{ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']} - #{ENV['REMOTE_HOST']}' > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
+       ensure
+	 Dir.chdir( oldpwd )
+       end
+     end
+     def delete( page )
+       oldpwd = Dir.pwd.untaint
+       begin
+	 Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/text" )
+	 system( "cvs -d #{@root} remove -- #{page.escape} > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
+	 system( "cvs -d #{@root} ci -m '#{ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']} - #{ENV['REMOTE_HOST']}' > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
+       ensure
+	 Dir.chdir( oldpwd )
+       end
+     end
+  end
diff --exclude=CVS -urN hiki.orig/hiki/repos/default.rb hiki/hiki/repos/default.rb
--- hiki.orig/hiki/repos/default.rb	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
+++ hiki/hiki/repos/default.rb	Sun Dec  5 22:11:04 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# $Id$
+# Copyright (C) 2003, Koichiro Ohba <koich****@meado*****>
+# Copyright (C) 2003, Yasuo Itabashi <yasuo_itabashi{@}hotmail.com>
+# You can distribute this under GPL.
+# Null Repository Backend
+module Hiki
+  class ReposDefault
+     attr_reader :root, :data_path
+     def initialize(root, data_path)
+	@root = root
+	@data_path = data_path
+     end
+     def setup()
+     end
+     def imported?( wiki )
+	return true
+     end
+     def import( wiki )
+     end
+     def update( wiki )
+     end
+     def commit( page )
+     end
+     def delete( page )
+     end
+  end
diff --exclude=CVS -urN hiki.orig/hiki/repos/svn.rb hiki/hiki/repos/svn.rb
--- hiki.orig/hiki/repos/svn.rb	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
+++ hiki/hiki/repos/svn.rb	Sun Dec  5 22:11:04 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# $Id$
+# Copyright (C) 2003, Koichiro Ohba <koich****@meado*****>
+# Copyright (C) 2003, Yasuo Itabashi <yasuo_itabashi{@}hotmail.com>
+# You can distribute this under GPL.
+require 'hiki/repos/default'
+# Subversion Repository Backend
+module Hiki
+  class ReposSvn < ReposDefault
+     def setup()
+	system( "svnadmin create #{@root} > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+     end
+     def imported?( wiki )
+	s = ''
+	open("|svn ls file://#{@root}/#{wiki}") do |f|
+	   s << (f.gets( nil ) ? $_ : '')
+	end
+	if %r|^trunk/$| =~ s then
+	   return true
+	else
+	   return false
+	end
+     end
+     def import( wiki )
+	oldpwd = Dir.pwd
+	begin
+	   Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/#{wiki}/text" )
+	   system( "svnadmin create #{@root}/#{wiki} > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+	   system( "svn import -m 'Starting #{wiki}' . file://#{@root}/#{wiki}/trunk > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+	   Dir.chdir( '..' )
+	   rmdir( 'text' )
+	   system( "svn checkout file://#{@root}/#{wiki}/trunk text > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+	   system( "svn propdel svn:mime-type -R text > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+	ensure
+	   Dir.chdir( oldpwd.untaint )
+	end
+     end
+     def update( wiki )
+	oldpwd = Dir.pwd
+	begin
+	   Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/#{wiki}/text" )
+	   system( "svn update > /dev/null 2>&1" )
+	ensure
+	   Dir.chdir( oldpwd.untaint )
+	end
+     end
+     def commit( page )
+       oldpwd = Dir.pwd.untaint
+       begin
+	 Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/text" )
+	 system( "svn add -- #{page.escape} > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
+	 system( "svn propdel svn:mime-type -- #{page.escape} > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
+	 system( "svn ci -m '#{ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']} - #{ENV['REMOTE_HOST']}' > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
+       ensure
+	 Dir.chdir( oldpwd )
+       end
+     end
+     def delete( page )
+       oldpwd = Dir.pwd.untaint
+       begin
+	 Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/text" )
+	 system( "svn remove -- #{page.escape} > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
+	 system( "svn ci -m '#{ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']} - #{ENV['REMOTE_HOST']}' > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
+       ensure
+	 Dir.chdir( oldpwd )
+       end
+     end
+  end
diff --exclude=CVS -urN hiki.orig/hiki/util.rb hiki/hiki/util.rb
--- hiki.orig/hiki/util.rb	Mon Nov 15 23:45:23 2004
+++ hiki/hiki/util.rb	Sun Dec  5 16:46:56 2004
@@ -213,5 +213,21 @@
 	arr[0...len-2].join('') + '..'
+    # Create repository backend
+    def create_repos(repos_type, repos_root, data_path)
+       case repos_type
+       when 'cvs'
+	  require 'hiki/repos/cvs'
+	  return ReposCvs.new(repos_root, data_path)
+       when 'svn'
+	  require 'hiki/repos/svn'
+	  return ReposSvn.new(repos_root, data_path)
+       else
+	  require 'hiki/repos/default'
+	  return ReposDefault.new(repos_root, data_path)
+       end
+    end
+    module_function :create_repos
diff --exclude=CVS -urN hiki.orig/misc/hikifarm/index.cgi hiki/misc/hikifarm/index.cgi
--- hiki.orig/misc/hikifarm/index.cgi	Sun Oct 31 19:37:58 2004
+++ hiki/misc/hikifarm/index.cgi	Sun Dec  5 16:46:56 2004
@@ -113,118 +113,6 @@
-# Null Repository Backend
-class ReposDefault
-   attr_reader :root, :data_path
-   def initialize(root, data_path)
-      @root = root
-      @data_path = data_path
-   end
-   def setup()
-   end
-   def imported?( wiki )
-      return true
-   end
-   def import( wiki )
-   end
-   def update( wiki )
-   end
-# CVS Repository Backend
-class ReposCvs < ReposDefault
-   def setup()
-      oldpwd = Dir.pwd
-      begin
-         Dir.chdir( @data_path )
-         system( "cvs -d #{@root} init > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-         if not File.directory?(".CVSROOT") then
-            system( "cvs -d #{@root} co -d .CVSROOT CVSROOT > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-         end
-         Dir.chdir( ".CVSROOT" )
-         system( "cvs -d #{@root} update > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-      ensure
-         Dir.chdir( oldpwd.untaint )
-      end
-   end
-   def imported?( wiki )
-      return File.directory?( "#{@root}/#{wiki}" )
-   end
-   def import( wiki )
-      oldpwd = Dir.pwd
-      begin
-         Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/#{wiki}/text" )
-         system( "cvs -d #{@root} import -m 'Starting #{wiki}' #{wiki} T#{wiki} start > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-         Dir.chdir( '..' )
-         system( "cvs -d #{@root} co -d text #{wiki} > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-      ensure
-         Dir.chdir( oldpwd.untaint )
-      end
-   end
-   def update( wiki )
-      oldpwd = Dir.pwd
-      begin
-         Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/#{wiki}/text" )
-         system( "cvs -d #{@root} update > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-      ensure
-         Dir.chdir( oldpwd.untaint )
-      end
-   end
-# Subversion Repository Backend
-class ReposSvn < ReposDefault
-   def setup()
-      system( "svnadmin create #{@root} > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-   end
-   def imported?( wiki )
-      s = ''
-      open("|svn ls file://#{@root}/#{wiki}") do |f|
-         s << (f.gets( nil ) ? $_ : '')
-      end
-      if %r|^trunk/$| =~ s then
-         return true
-      else
-         return false
-      end
-   end
-   def import( wiki )
-      oldpwd = Dir.pwd
-      begin
-         Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/#{wiki}/text" )
-         system( "svnadmin create #{@root}/#{wiki} > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-         system( "svn import -m 'Starting #{wiki}' . file://#{@root}/#{wiki}/trunk > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-         Dir.chdir( '..' )
-         rmdir( 'text' )
-         system( "svn checkout file://#{@root}/#{wiki}/trunk text > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-         system( "svn propdel svn:mime-type -R text > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-      ensure
-         Dir.chdir( oldpwd.untaint )
-      end
-   end
-   def update( wiki )
-      oldpwd = Dir.pwd
-      begin
-         Dir.chdir( "#{@data_path}/#{wiki}/text" )
-         system( "svn update > /dev/null 2>&1" )
-      ensure
-         Dir.chdir( oldpwd.untaint )
-      end
-   end
-# Create repository backend
-def create_repos(repos_type, repos_root, data_path)
-   case repos_type
-   when 'cvs'
-      return ReposCvs.new(repos_root, data_path)
-   when 'svn'
-      return ReposSvn.new(repos_root, data_path)
-   else
-      return ReposDefault.new(repos_root, data_path)
-   end
 def create_wiki( wiki, hiki, cgi_name, data_path )
    Dir.mkdir( wiki.untaint )
@@ -328,10 +216,11 @@
 #--- main -----------------------------------------------------------
 require 'cgi'
+require 'hiki/util'
 cgi = CGI::new
 msg = nil
- @ repos = create_repos(repos_type, repos_root, data_path)
+ @ repos = Hiki::Util::create_repos(repos_type, repos_root, data_path)
diff --exclude=CVS -urN hiki.orig/misc/plugin/cvs.rb hiki/misc/plugin/cvs.rb
--- hiki.orig/misc/plugin/cvs.rb	Sat Jun 26 23:12:29 2004
+++ hiki/misc/plugin/cvs.rb	Sun Dec  5 16:46:56 2004
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: cvs.rb,v 1.4 2004/06/26 14:12:29 fdiary Exp $
-# Copyright (C) 2003, Kazuhiko <kazuh****@fdiar*****>
-# You can distribute this under GPL.
-#===== update_proc
-add_update_proc {
-  cvs_commit if****@conf*****_root
-#===== delete_proc
-add_delete_proc {
-  cvs_delete if****@conf*****_root
-#----- cvs commit on updating
-def cvs_commit
-  oldpwd = Dir.pwd.untaint
-  begin
-    Dir.chdir( "#{@conf.data_path}/text" )
-    system( "cvs -d #{@conf.repos_root} add -- #{@page.escape} > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
-    system( "cvs -d #{@conf.repos_root} ci -m '#{ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']} - #{ENV['REMOTE_HOST']}' > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
-  ensure
-    Dir.chdir( oldpwd )
-  end
-#----- cvs delete on deleting
-def cvs_delete
-  oldpwd = Dir.pwd.untaint
-  begin
-    Dir.chdir( "#{@conf.data_path}/text" )
-    system( "cvs -d #{@conf.repos_root} remove -- #{@page.escape} > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
-    system( "cvs -d #{@conf.repos_root} ci -m '#{ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']} - #{ENV['REMOTE_HOST']}' > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
-  ensure
-    Dir.chdir( oldpwd )
-  end
diff --exclude=CVS -urN hiki.orig/misc/plugin/svn.rb hiki/misc/plugin/svn.rb
--- hiki.orig/misc/plugin/svn.rb	Tue Sep  7 00:08:44 2004
+++ hiki/misc/plugin/svn.rb	Sun Dec  5 16:46:56 2004
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: svn.rb,v 1.6 2004/09/06 15:08:44 fdiary Exp $
-# Copyright (C) 2003, Koichiro Ohba <koich****@meado*****>
-# Copyright (C) 2003, Yasuo Itabashi <yasuo_itabashi{@}hotmail.com>
-# You can distribute this under GPL.
-#===== update_proc
-add_update_proc {
-  svn_commit if****@conf*****_root
-#===== delete_proc
-add_delete_proc {
-  svn_delete if****@conf*****_root
-#----- Subversion commit on updating
-def svn_commit
-  oldpwd = Dir.pwd.untaint
-  begin
-    Dir.chdir( "#{@conf.data_path}/text" )
-    system( "svn add -- #{@page.escape} > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
-    system( "svn propdel svn:mime-type -- #{@page.escape} > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
-    system( "svn ci -m '#{ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']} - #{ENV['REMOTE_HOST']}' > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
-  ensure
-    Dir.chdir( oldpwd )
-  end
-#----- Subversion delete on deleting
-def svn_delete
-  oldpwd = Dir.pwd.untaint
-  begin
-    Dir.chdir( "#{@conf.data_path}/text" )
-    system( "svn remove -- #{@page.escape} > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
-    system( "svn ci -m '#{ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']} - #{ENV['REMOTE_HOST']}' > /dev/null 2>&1".untaint )
-  ensure
-    Dir.chdir( oldpwd )
-  end
diff --exclude=CVS -urN hiki.orig/plugin/00default.rb hiki/plugin/00default.rb
--- hiki.orig/plugin/00default.rb	Tue Sep 28 22:47:28 2004
+++ hiki/plugin/00default.rb	Sun Dec  5 22:01:17 2004
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # $Id: 00default.rb,v 1.12 2004/09/28 13:47:28 fdiary Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2003 TAKEUCHI Hitoshi <hitos****@namar*****>
+require 'hiki/util'
 #  tDiary plugins for Hiki
@@ -84,6 +86,7 @@
 #===== update_proc
 add_update_proc {
   updating_mail if****@conf*****_on_update
+  Hiki::Util::create_repos(@conf.repos_type, @conf.repos_root, @conf.data_path).commit(@page)
 #----- send a mail on updating
@@ -169,3 +172,8 @@
   data[:tools] = menu.collect! {|i| %Q!<span class="adminmenu">#{i}</span>! }.join("&nbsp;\n").sanitize
+#===== delete_proc
+add_delete_proc {
+    Hiki::Util::create_repos(@conf.repos_type, @conf.repos_root, @conf.data_path).delete(@page)

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