待辦事項 #39506

English inventory display of ranged weapon patch

啟用日期: 2019-08-25 11:26 最後更新: 2021-01-08 21:52

5 - 中
1 - 最低


The English inventory display has "/current_world_ptr->game_turn" in the damage summary for a ranged weapon. The path below to flavor.c, computed by git diff, replaces that with "/turn".

diff --git a/src/flavor.c b/src/flavor.c
index f7f4f92b..be735930 100644
--- a/src/flavor.c
+++ b/src/flavor.c
@@ -2466,7 +2466,7 @@ void object_desc(char *buf, object_type *o_ptr, BIT_FLAGS mode)
                        avgdam *= (p_ptr->num_fire * 100);
                        avgdam /= energy_fire;
                        t = object_desc_num(t, avgdam);
-                       t = object_desc_str(t, show_ammo_detail ? "/current_world_ptr->game_turn" : "");
+                       t = object_desc_str(t, show_ammo_detail ? "/turn" : "");

Ticket History (3/10 Histories)

2019-08-25 11:26 Updated by: None
  • New Ticket "English inventory display of ranged weapon patch" created
2019-08-25 12:01 Updated by: deskull

Thanks. I'll fix same errors on recent refactoring.

2019-08-31 07:04 Updated by: backwardseric

Reply To deskull

Thanks. I'll fix same errors on recent refactoring.

These are the other places I've seen "current_world_ptr->game_turn" in place of "turn" in English messages to the player: effects.c:1245, effects.c:3655, mutation.c:432, mutation.c:468, mutation.c:528, mutation.c:1604, object1.c:433, object1.c:562, player-status.c:4272, player-status.c:4276, realm-hissatsu.c:448, selfinfo.c:305, selfinfo.c:504, selfinfo.c:602, spells3.c:1710, spells3.c:1735, spells3.c:1743, spells3.c:1752, spells3.c:1761. I've attached a patch for effects.c below.

diff --git a/src/effects.c b/src/effects.c
index e1258525..8f6e0e06 100644
--- a/src/effects.c
+++ b/src/effects.c
@@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ bool set_wraith_form(TIME_EFFECT v, bool do_dec)
                else if (!p_ptr->wraith_form)
-                       msg_print(_("物質界を離れて幽鬼のような存在になった!", "You leave the physical world and current_world_ptr->game_turn into a wraith-being!"));
+                       msg_print(_("物質界を離れて幽鬼のような存在になった!", "You leave the physical world and turn into a wraith-being!"));
                        notice = TRUE;
                        chg_virtue(V_UNLIFE, 3);
                        chg_virtue(V_HONOUR, -2);
@@ -3652,7 +3652,7 @@ void change_race(CHARACTER_IDX new_race, concptr effect_msg)
 #ifdef JP
        msg_format("あなたは%s%sに変化した!", effect_msg, title);
-       msg_format("You current_world_ptr->game_turn into %s %s%s!", (!effect_msg[0] && is_a_vowel(title[0]) ? "an" : "a"), effect_msg, title);
+       msg_format("You turn into %s %s%s!", (!effect_msg[0] && is_a_vowel(title[0]) ? "an" : "a"), effect_msg, title);
        chg_virtue(V_CHANCE, 2);
2019-08-31 07:10 Updated by: backwardseric

This is the patch I have for object1.c:

diff --git a/src/object1.c b/src/object1.c
index a3e5001b..f760e261 100644
--- a/src/object1.c
+++ b/src/object1.c
@@ -429,8 +429,8 @@ static concptr item_activation_aux(object_type *o_ptr)
        constant = act_ptr->timeout.constant;
        dice = act_ptr->timeout.dice;
        if (constant == 0 && dice == 0) {
-               /* We can activate it every current_world_ptr->game_turn */
-               strcpy(timeout, _("いつでも", "every current_world_ptr->game_turn"));
+               /* We can activate it every turn */
+               strcpy(timeout, _("いつでも", "every turn"));
        } else if (constant < 0) {
                /* Activations that have special timeout */
                switch (act_ptr->index) {
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ bool screen_object(object_type *o_ptr, BIT_FLAGS mode)
        /* Figurines, a hack */
        if (o_ptr->name1 == ART_STONEMASK)
-               info[i++] = _("それを装備した者は吸血鬼になる。", "It makes you current_world_ptr->game_turn into a vampire permanently.");
+               info[i++] = _("それを装備した者は吸血鬼になる。", "It makes you turn into a vampire permanently.");
        if ((o_ptr->tval == TV_SWORD) && (o_ptr->sval == SV_DOKUBARI))
2019-08-31 07:14 Updated by: backwardseric

This is the patch for player-status.c that I have:

diff --git a/src/player-status.c b/src/player-status.c
index db82470d..f0c3ad3d 100644
--- a/src/player-status.c
+++ b/src/player-status.c
@@ -4269,11 +4269,11 @@ void sanity_blast(monster_type *m_ptr, bool necro)
                        if ((p_ptr->stat_use[A_INT] < 4) && (p_ptr->stat_use[A_WIS] < 4))
-                               msg_print(_("あなたは完璧な馬鹿になったような気がした。しかしそれは元々だった。", "You current_world_ptr->game_turn into an utter moron!"));
+                               msg_print(_("あなたは完璧な馬鹿になったような気がした。しかしそれは元々だった。", "You turn into an utter moron!"));
-                               msg_print(_("あなたは完璧な馬鹿になった!", "You current_world_ptr->game_turn into an utter moron!"));
+                               msg_print(_("あなたは完璧な馬鹿になった!", "You turn into an utter moron!"));
                        if (p_ptr->muta3 & MUT3_HYPER_INT)
2019-08-31 07:18 Updated by: backwardseric

And the patch I have for realm-hissatsu.c is below. For mutation.c, selfinfo.c, and spells3.c, I'll attach the patches as a file.

diff --git a/src/realm-hissatsu.c b/src/realm-hissatsu.c
index f0ac70c0..acda2f62 100644
--- a/src/realm-hissatsu.c
+++ b/src/realm-hissatsu.c
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ concptr do_hissatsu_spell(SPELL_IDX spell, BIT_FLAGS mode)
        case 16:
                if (name) return _("捨て身", "Desperate Attack");
                if (desc) return _("強力な攻撃を繰り出す。次のターンまでの間、食らうダメージが増える。",
-                       "Attacks with all of your power. But all damages you take will be doubled for one current_world_ptr->game_turn.");
+                       "Attacks with all of your power. But all damages you take will be doubled for one turn.");
                if (cast)

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