[Groonga-mysql-commit] mroonga/mroonga at 69120f6 [master] doc: update recent information on Fedora

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HAYASHI Kentaro null+****@clear*****
Thu Nov 27 12:03:12 JST 2014

HAYASHI Kentaro	2014-11-27 12:03:12 +0900 (Thu, 27 Nov 2014)

  New Revision: 69120f65dcfcd9881f88924e0d29327788f6b549

    doc: update recent information on Fedora

  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/source/install/fedora.rst (+5 -23)
--- doc/source/install/fedora.rst    2014-11-26 00:31:04 +0900 (adaf6c2)
+++ doc/source/install/fedora.rst    2014-11-27 12:03:12 +0900 (3142386)
@@ -11,28 +11,10 @@ Fedora. You can install them by ``yum``.
 Fedora 20
-Since Fedora 19, MariaDB is the default implementation of MySQL.
+There is no packages for Fedora 20.
-So there are two selections for Mroonga. One is using with MariaDB, the other is using with MySQL (community-mysql).
+Fedora 21(Comming soon)
-Install Mroonga for MySQL (community-mysql)::
-  % sudo rpm -ivh http://packages.groonga.org/fedora/groonga-release-1.1.0-1.noarch.rpm
-  % sudo yum makecache
-  % sudo yum install -y mysql-mroonga
-Install Mroonga for MariaDB::
-  % sudo rpm -ivh http://packages.groonga.org/fedora/groonga-release-1.1.0-1.noarch.rpm
-  % sudo yum makecache
-  % sudo yum install -y mariadb-mroonga
-.. note::
-   MariaDB and MySQL (community-mysql) package are exclusive. For example, if you want to use mysql-mroonga, you need to remove conflicted mariadb packages at first.
-If you want to use `MeCab <http://mecab.sourceforge.net/>`_ as a tokenizer, install groonga-tokenizer-mecab package.
-Install groonga-tokenizer-mecab package::
-  % sudo yum install -y groonga-tokenizer-mecab
+MariaDB 10.0.x is adopted on Fedora 21. As Mroonga is now bundled with MariaDB since 10.0.15,
+it will be shipped with MariaDB sooner or later.
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