[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at 6b227e2 [master] Extract grn_table_*() as other file

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Fri May 13 11:07:01 JST 2016

Kouhei Sutou	2016-05-13 11:07:01 +0900 (Fri, 13 May 2016)

  New Revision: 6b227e220b3ff30b07e1f6bb9ab305b63c2ef841

    Extract grn_table_*() as other file

  Added files:
  Modified files:

  Modified: include/groonga.h (+1 -0)
--- include/groonga.h    2016-05-13 10:26:12 +0900 (5de51be)
+++ include/groonga.h    2016-05-13 11:07:01 +0900 (1e02c7d)
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 #include "groonga/pat.h"
 #include "groonga/request_canceler.h"
 #include "groonga/request_timer.h"
+#include "groonga/table.h"
 #include "groonga/thread.h"
 #include "groonga/time.h"
 #include "groonga/type.h"

  Modified: include/groonga/Makefile.am (+1 -0)
--- include/groonga/Makefile.am    2016-05-13 10:26:12 +0900 (9c0e351)
+++ include/groonga/Makefile.am    2016-05-13 11:07:01 +0900 (ddc4fb4)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ groonga_include_HEADERS =			\
 	request_canceler.h			\
 	request_timer.h				\
 	scorer.h				\
+	table.h					\
 	thread.h				\
 	time.h					\
 	token.h					\

  Modified: include/groonga/groonga.h (+0 -172)
--- include/groonga/groonga.h    2016-05-13 10:26:12 +0900 (a32d83b)
+++ include/groonga/groonga.h    2016-05-13 11:07:01 +0900 (3cce9c2)
@@ -518,68 +518,8 @@ GRN_API grn_obj *grn_proc_get_info(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_user_data *user_data,
                                    grn_expr_var **vars, unsigned int *nvars, grn_obj **caller);
 GRN_API grn_proc_type grn_proc_get_type(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *proc);
- * API for table
- */
-#define GRN_TABLE_MAX_KEY_SIZE         (0x1000)
-GRN_API grn_obj *grn_table_create(grn_ctx *ctx,
-                                  const char *name, unsigned int name_size,
-                                  const char *path, grn_table_flags flags,
-                                  grn_obj *key_type, grn_obj *value_type);
-#define GRN_TABLE_OPEN_OR_CREATE(ctx,name,name_size,path,flags,key_type,value_type,table) \
-  (((table) = grn_ctx_get((ctx), (name), (name_size))) ||\
-   ((table) = grn_table_create((ctx), (name), (name_size), (path), (flags), (key_type), (value_type))))
-/* TODO: int *added -> grn_bool *added */
-GRN_API grn_id grn_table_add(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
-                             const void *key, unsigned int key_size, int *added);
-GRN_API grn_id grn_table_get(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
-                             const void *key, unsigned int key_size);
-GRN_API grn_id grn_table_at(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table, grn_id id);
-GRN_API grn_id grn_table_lcp_search(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
-                                    const void *key, unsigned int key_size);
-GRN_API int grn_table_get_key(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
-                              grn_id id, void *keybuf, int buf_size);
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_delete(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
-                                const void *key, unsigned int key_size);
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_delete_by_id(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table, grn_id id);
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_update_by_id(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table, grn_id id,
-                                      const void *dest_key, unsigned int dest_key_size);
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_update(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
-                                const void *src_key, unsigned int src_key_size,
-                                const void *dest_key, unsigned int dest_key_size);
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_truncate(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table);
 typedef grn_obj grn_table_cursor;
-#define GRN_CURSOR_ASCENDING           (0x00<<0)
-#define GRN_CURSOR_DESCENDING          (0x01<<0)
-#define GRN_CURSOR_GE                  (0x00<<1)
-#define GRN_CURSOR_GT                  (0x01<<1)
-#define GRN_CURSOR_LE                  (0x00<<2)
-#define GRN_CURSOR_LT                  (0x01<<2)
-#define GRN_CURSOR_BY_KEY              (0x00<<3)
-#define GRN_CURSOR_BY_ID               (0x01<<3)
-#define GRN_CURSOR_PREFIX              (0x01<<4)
-#define GRN_CURSOR_SIZE_BY_BIT         (0x01<<5)
-#define GRN_CURSOR_RK                  (0x01<<6)
-GRN_API grn_table_cursor *grn_table_cursor_open(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
-                                                const void *min, unsigned int min_size,
-                                                const void *max, unsigned int max_size,
-                                                int offset, int limit, int flags);
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_cursor_close(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc);
-GRN_API grn_id grn_table_cursor_next(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc);
-GRN_API int grn_table_cursor_get_key(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc, void **key);
-GRN_API int grn_table_cursor_get_value(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc, void **value);
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_cursor_set_value(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc,
-                                          const void *value, int flags);
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_cursor_delete(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc);
-GRN_API grn_obj *grn_table_cursor_table(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc);
 typedef struct {
   grn_id rid;
   uint32_t sid;
@@ -589,65 +529,6 @@ typedef struct {
   uint32_t rest;
 } grn_posting;
-GRN_API grn_obj *grn_index_cursor_open(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc, grn_obj *index,
-                                       grn_id rid_min, grn_id rid_max, int flags);
-GRN_API grn_posting *grn_index_cursor_next(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *ic, grn_id *tid);
-#define GRN_TABLE_EACH(ctx,table,head,tail,id,key,key_size,value,block) do {\
-  (ctx)->errlvl = GRN_LOG_NOTICE;\
-  (ctx)->rc = GRN_SUCCESS;\
-  if ((ctx)->seqno & 1) {\
-    (ctx)->subno++;\
-  } else {\
-    (ctx)->seqno++;\
-  }\
-  if (table) {\
-    switch ((table)->header.type) {\
-    case GRN_TABLE_PAT_KEY :\
-      GRN_PAT_EACH((ctx), (grn_pat *)(table), (id), (key), (key_size), (value), block);\
-      break;\
-    case GRN_TABLE_DAT_KEY :\
-      GRN_DAT_EACH((ctx), (grn_dat *)(table), (id), (key), (key_size), block);\
-      break;\
-    case GRN_TABLE_HASH_KEY :\
-      GRN_HASH_EACH((ctx), (grn_hash *)(table), (id), (key), (key_size), (value), block);\
-      break;\
-    case GRN_TABLE_NO_KEY :\
-      GRN_ARRAY_EACH((ctx), (grn_array *)(table), (head), (tail), (id), (value), block);\
-      break;\
-    }\
-  }\
-  if ((ctx)->subno) {\
-    (ctx)->subno--;\
-  } else {\
-    (ctx)->seqno++;\
-  }\
-} while (0)
-typedef struct _grn_table_sort_key grn_table_sort_key;
-typedef unsigned char grn_table_sort_flags;
-#define GRN_TABLE_SORT_ASC             (0x00<<0)
-#define GRN_TABLE_SORT_DESC            (0x01<<0)
-struct _grn_table_sort_key {
-  grn_obj *key;
-  grn_table_sort_flags flags;
-  int offset;
-GRN_API int grn_table_sort(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table, int offset, int limit,
-                           grn_obj *result, grn_table_sort_key *keys, int n_keys);
-typedef struct _grn_table_group_result grn_table_group_result;
-typedef uint32_t grn_table_group_flags;
-#define GRN_TABLE_GROUP_CALC_COUNT     (0x01<<3)
-#define GRN_TABLE_GROUP_CALC_MAX       (0x01<<4)
-#define GRN_TABLE_GROUP_CALC_MIN       (0x01<<5)
-#define GRN_TABLE_GROUP_CALC_SUM       (0x01<<6)
-#define GRN_TABLE_GROUP_CALC_AVG       (0x01<<7)
 typedef enum {
   GRN_OP_PUSH = 0,
@@ -749,33 +630,9 @@ GRN_API grn_bool grn_operator_exec_prefix(grn_ctx *ctx,
 GRN_API grn_bool grn_operator_exec_regexp(grn_ctx *ctx,
                                           grn_obj *target, grn_obj *pattern);
-struct _grn_table_group_result {
-  grn_obj *table;
-  unsigned char key_begin;
-  unsigned char key_end;
-  int limit;
-  grn_table_group_flags flags;
-  grn_operator op;
-  unsigned int max_n_subrecs;
-  grn_obj *calc_target;
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_group(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
-                               grn_table_sort_key *keys, int n_keys,
-                               grn_table_group_result *results, int n_results);
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_setoperation(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table1, grn_obj *table2,
-                                      grn_obj *res, grn_operator op);
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_difference(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table1, grn_obj *table2,
-                                    grn_obj *res1, grn_obj *res2);
-GRN_API int grn_table_columns(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
-                              const char *name, unsigned int name_size,
-                              grn_obj *res);
 GRN_API grn_obj *grn_obj_column(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
                                 const char *name, unsigned int name_size);
-GRN_API unsigned int grn_table_size(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table);
  * API for column
@@ -1706,38 +1563,9 @@ GRN_API int grn_charlen(grn_ctx *ctx, const char *str, const char *end);
 GRN_API grn_rc grn_ctx_push(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *obj);
 GRN_API grn_obj *grn_ctx_pop(grn_ctx *ctx);
-GRN_API grn_obj *grn_table_select(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table, grn_obj *expr,
-                                  grn_obj *res, grn_operator op);
 GRN_API int grn_obj_columns(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
                             const char *str, unsigned int str_size, grn_obj *res);
-GRN_API grn_table_sort_key *grn_table_sort_key_from_str(grn_ctx *ctx,
-                                                        const char *str, unsigned int str_size,
-                                                        grn_obj *table, unsigned int *nkeys);
-GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_sort_key_close(grn_ctx *ctx,
-                                        grn_table_sort_key *keys, unsigned int nkeys);
-GRN_API grn_bool grn_table_is_grouped(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table);
-GRN_API unsigned int grn_table_max_n_subrecs(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table);
-GRN_API grn_obj *grn_table_create_for_group(grn_ctx *ctx,
-                                            const char *name,
-                                            unsigned int name_size,
-                                            const char *path,
-                                            grn_obj *group_key,
-                                            grn_obj *value_type,
-                                            unsigned int max_n_subrecs);
-GRN_API unsigned int grn_table_get_subrecs(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
-                                           grn_id id, grn_id *subrecbuf,
-                                           int *scorebuf, int buf_size);
-GRN_API grn_obj *grn_table_tokenize(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
-                                    const char *str, unsigned int str_len,
-                                    grn_obj *buf, grn_bool addp);
 GRN_API grn_rc grn_load(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_content_type input_type,
                         const char *table, unsigned int table_len,
                         const char *columns, unsigned int columns_len,

  Added: include/groonga/table.h (+198 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ include/groonga/table.h    2016-05-13 11:07:01 +0900 (cc5389f)
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+  Copyright(C) 2009-2016 Brazil
+  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+#pragma once
+#ifdef  __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define GRN_TABLE_MAX_KEY_SIZE         (0x1000)
+GRN_API grn_obj *grn_table_create(grn_ctx *ctx,
+                                  const char *name, unsigned int name_size,
+                                  const char *path, grn_table_flags flags,
+                                  grn_obj *key_type, grn_obj *value_type);
+#define GRN_TABLE_OPEN_OR_CREATE(ctx,name,name_size,path,flags,key_type,value_type,table) \
+  (((table) = grn_ctx_get((ctx), (name), (name_size))) ||\
+   ((table) = grn_table_create((ctx), (name), (name_size), (path), (flags), (key_type), (value_type))))
+/* TODO: int *added -> grn_bool *added */
+GRN_API grn_id grn_table_add(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                             const void *key, unsigned int key_size, int *added);
+GRN_API grn_id grn_table_get(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                             const void *key, unsigned int key_size);
+GRN_API grn_id grn_table_at(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table, grn_id id);
+GRN_API grn_id grn_table_lcp_search(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                                    const void *key, unsigned int key_size);
+GRN_API int grn_table_get_key(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                              grn_id id, void *keybuf, int buf_size);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_delete(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                                const void *key, unsigned int key_size);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_delete_by_id(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table, grn_id id);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_update_by_id(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table, grn_id id,
+                                      const void *dest_key, unsigned int dest_key_size);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_update(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                                const void *src_key, unsigned int src_key_size,
+                                const void *dest_key, unsigned int dest_key_size);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_truncate(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table);
+#define GRN_CURSOR_ASCENDING           (0x00<<0)
+#define GRN_CURSOR_DESCENDING          (0x01<<0)
+#define GRN_CURSOR_GE                  (0x00<<1)
+#define GRN_CURSOR_GT                  (0x01<<1)
+#define GRN_CURSOR_LE                  (0x00<<2)
+#define GRN_CURSOR_LT                  (0x01<<2)
+#define GRN_CURSOR_BY_KEY              (0x00<<3)
+#define GRN_CURSOR_BY_ID               (0x01<<3)
+#define GRN_CURSOR_PREFIX              (0x01<<4)
+#define GRN_CURSOR_SIZE_BY_BIT         (0x01<<5)
+#define GRN_CURSOR_RK                  (0x01<<6)
+GRN_API grn_table_cursor *grn_table_cursor_open(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                                                const void *min, unsigned int min_size,
+                                                const void *max, unsigned int max_size,
+                                                int offset, int limit, int flags);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_cursor_close(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc);
+GRN_API grn_id grn_table_cursor_next(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc);
+GRN_API int grn_table_cursor_get_key(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc, void **key);
+GRN_API int grn_table_cursor_get_value(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc, void **value);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_cursor_set_value(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc,
+                                          const void *value, int flags);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_cursor_delete(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc);
+GRN_API grn_obj *grn_table_cursor_table(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc);
+GRN_API grn_obj *grn_index_cursor_open(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_table_cursor *tc, grn_obj *index,
+                                       grn_id rid_min, grn_id rid_max, int flags);
+GRN_API grn_posting *grn_index_cursor_next(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *ic, grn_id *tid);
+#define GRN_TABLE_EACH(ctx,table,head,tail,id,key,key_size,value,block) do {\
+  (ctx)->errlvl = GRN_LOG_NOTICE;\
+  (ctx)->rc = GRN_SUCCESS;\
+  if ((ctx)->seqno & 1) {\
+    (ctx)->subno++;\
+  } else {\
+    (ctx)->seqno++;\
+  }\
+  if (table) {\
+    switch ((table)->header.type) {\
+    case GRN_TABLE_PAT_KEY :\
+      GRN_PAT_EACH((ctx), (grn_pat *)(table), (id), (key), (key_size), (value), block);\
+      break;\
+    case GRN_TABLE_DAT_KEY :\
+      GRN_DAT_EACH((ctx), (grn_dat *)(table), (id), (key), (key_size), block);\
+      break;\
+    case GRN_TABLE_HASH_KEY :\
+      GRN_HASH_EACH((ctx), (grn_hash *)(table), (id), (key), (key_size), (value), block);\
+      break;\
+    case GRN_TABLE_NO_KEY :\
+      GRN_ARRAY_EACH((ctx), (grn_array *)(table), (head), (tail), (id), (value), block);\
+      break;\
+    }\
+  }\
+  if ((ctx)->subno) {\
+    (ctx)->subno--;\
+  } else {\
+    (ctx)->seqno++;\
+  }\
+} while (0)
+typedef struct _grn_table_sort_key grn_table_sort_key;
+typedef unsigned char grn_table_sort_flags;
+#define GRN_TABLE_SORT_ASC             (0x00<<0)
+#define GRN_TABLE_SORT_DESC            (0x01<<0)
+struct _grn_table_sort_key {
+  grn_obj *key;
+  grn_table_sort_flags flags;
+  int offset;
+GRN_API int grn_table_sort(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table, int offset, int limit,
+                           grn_obj *result, grn_table_sort_key *keys, int n_keys);
+typedef struct _grn_table_group_result grn_table_group_result;
+typedef uint32_t grn_table_group_flags;
+#define GRN_TABLE_GROUP_CALC_COUNT     (0x01<<3)
+#define GRN_TABLE_GROUP_CALC_MAX       (0x01<<4)
+#define GRN_TABLE_GROUP_CALC_MIN       (0x01<<5)
+#define GRN_TABLE_GROUP_CALC_SUM       (0x01<<6)
+#define GRN_TABLE_GROUP_CALC_AVG       (0x01<<7)
+struct _grn_table_group_result {
+  grn_obj *table;
+  unsigned char key_begin;
+  unsigned char key_end;
+  int limit;
+  grn_table_group_flags flags;
+  grn_operator op;
+  unsigned int max_n_subrecs;
+  grn_obj *calc_target;
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_group(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                               grn_table_sort_key *keys, int n_keys,
+                               grn_table_group_result *results, int n_results);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_setoperation(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table1, grn_obj *table2,
+                                      grn_obj *res, grn_operator op);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_difference(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table1, grn_obj *table2,
+                                    grn_obj *res1, grn_obj *res2);
+GRN_API int grn_table_columns(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                              const char *name, unsigned int name_size,
+                              grn_obj *res);
+GRN_API unsigned int grn_table_size(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_rename(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                                const char *name, unsigned int name_size);
+GRN_API grn_obj *grn_table_select(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table, grn_obj *expr,
+                                  grn_obj *res, grn_operator op);
+GRN_API grn_table_sort_key *grn_table_sort_key_from_str(grn_ctx *ctx,
+                                                        const char *str, unsigned int str_size,
+                                                        grn_obj *table, unsigned int *nkeys);
+GRN_API grn_rc grn_table_sort_key_close(grn_ctx *ctx,
+                                        grn_table_sort_key *keys, unsigned int nkeys);
+GRN_API grn_bool grn_table_is_grouped(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table);
+GRN_API unsigned int grn_table_max_n_subrecs(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table);
+GRN_API grn_obj *grn_table_create_for_group(grn_ctx *ctx,
+                                            const char *name,
+                                            unsigned int name_size,
+                                            const char *path,
+                                            grn_obj *group_key,
+                                            grn_obj *value_type,
+                                            unsigned int max_n_subrecs);
+GRN_API unsigned int grn_table_get_subrecs(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                                           grn_id id, grn_id *subrecbuf,
+                                           int *scorebuf, int buf_size);
+GRN_API grn_obj *grn_table_tokenize(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *table,
+                                    const char *str, unsigned int str_len,
+                                    grn_obj *buf, grn_bool addp);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
-------------- next part --------------

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