[Groonga-commit] droonga/express-droonga at ab69c07 [master] Supports member-* events

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YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Wed Nov 5 13:04:23 JST 2014

YUKI Hiroshi	2014-11-05 13:04:23 +0900 (Wed, 05 Nov 2014)

  New Revision: ab69c07fa32e142050b8b06387ecfb5f7e78819c

    Supports member-* events

  Modified files:

  Modified: lib/serf/agent.js (+46 -14)
--- lib/serf/agent.js    2014-11-05 12:47:29 +0900 (b1d25b6)
+++ lib/serf/agent.js    2014-11-05 13:04:23 +0900 (7306bd3)
@@ -9,19 +9,25 @@
  *   serf.start()
  *     .then(function() { ... })
  *     .catch(function(error) { ... });
+ *   serf.on('member-join', function(nodeName) { console.log(nodeName + ' joined'); });
+ *   serf.on('member-leave', function(nodeName) { console.log(nodeName + ' leaved'); });
+ *   serf.on('member-failed', function(nodeName) { console.log(nodeName + ' failed'); });
  *   serf.shutdown();
-var exec  = require('child_process').exec,
+var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
+    exec  = require('child_process').exec,
     fs    = require('fs'),
     path  = require('path'),
     Q     = require('q'),
-    spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
+    spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
+    util  = require('util');
 var ConsoleLogger = require('../console-logger').ConsoleLogger,
     Downloader    = require('./downloader');
 var NODE_NAME_PATTERN = /^([^:]+):(\d+)\/(.+)$/;
+var EVENT_LOG_PATTERN = /\[INFO\] serf: ([^:]+): ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)/;
 var DEFAULT_BIND_PORT = 7946;
 var BIND_PORT         = 8946;
 var RPC_PORT          = 8373;
@@ -32,6 +38,10 @@ function Agent(options) {
   this._logger = options.logger || new ConsoleLogger();
   this._hostName = options.hostName;
+  this._nodeName = this._hostName + '/protocol-adapter';
+  this.rpcAddress = this._hostName + ':' + RPC_PORT;
   this._serf = options.serf || 'serf';
   if (this._serf.charAt(0) == '.')
     this._serf = path.resolve(this._serf);
@@ -43,12 +53,10 @@ function Agent(options) {
   this._agentProcess = null;
   this.shutdown = this.shutdown.bind(this);
-Agent.prototype = {
-  get rpcAddress() {
-    return this._hostName + ':' + RPC_PORT;
-  },
-  start: function() {
+util.inherits(Agent, EventEmitter);
+Agent.prototype.start = function() {
     this._logger.debug('Starting Serf agent (' + this._serf + ')');
     return Q.Promise((function(resolve, reject, notify) {
       if (this._agentProcess)
@@ -76,14 +84,14 @@ Agent.prototype = {
-  },
+  };
-  tryStart: function() {
+Agent.prototype.tryStart = function() {
     var eventHandlerPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'bin',
     var agentArgs = [
-      '-node', this._hostName + '/protocol-adapter',
+      '-node', this._nodeName,
       '-bind', this._hostName + ':' + BIND_PORT,
       '-rpc-addr', this._hostName + ':' + RPC_PORT,
       // '-event-handler', eventHandlerPath,
@@ -104,24 +112,48 @@ Agent.prototype = {
           this._logger.error(new Error('Serf agent is closed with error: ' + exitStatusCode));
         this._agentProcess = null;
+      this._agentProcess.stdout.on('data', (function(data) {
+        this._handleOutput(data);
+      }).bind(this));
     } catch(error) {
       this._agentProcess = null;
-  },
+  };
+Agent.prototype._handleOutput = function(output) {
+    this._logger.debug('Serf agent output: ' + output);
+    var matched = output.match(EVENT_LOG_PATTERN);
+    if (!matched)
+      return;
+    var eventName = matched[1];
+    var nodeName  = matched[2];
+    if (nodeName == this._nodeName)
+      return;
+    switch (eventName) {
+      case 'EventMemberJoin':
+        return this.emit('member-join', nodeName);
+      case 'EventMemberLeave':
+        return this.emit('member-leave', nodeName);
+      case 'EventMemberFailed':
+        return this.emit('member-failed', nodeName);
+    }
+  };
-  shutdown: function() {
+Agent.prototype.shutdown = function() {
     this._logger.info('Shutting down Serf agent');
     if (!this._agentProcess)
     try {
+      this._agentProcess.stdout.removeAllListeners();
       this._agentProcess = null;
     } catch(error) {
-  }
+  };
 module.exports = Agent;
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