[Groonga-commit] ranguba/activegroonga at 1075eb9 [master] Add 4.2.0 entry

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Tue Dec 23 11:41:36 JST 2014

Kouhei Sutou	2014-12-23 11:41:36 +0900 (Tue, 23 Dec 2014)

  New Revision: 1075eb92d82944fae7f9d8b5cec5dcdbc6c89c34

    Add 4.2.0 entry

  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/text/news.textile (+31 -0)
--- doc/text/news.textile    2014-12-23 11:32:50 +0900 (d14e9af)
+++ doc/text/news.textile    2014-12-23 11:41:36 +0900 (4543204)
@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
 h1. NEWS
+h2(#4-2-0). 4.2.0: 2014-12-23
+h3. Improvements
+* Supported Rails 4.2.0.
+* [GitHub#11] Supported yielding block on {ActiveGroonga::Base.new}.
+  [Patch by Eito Katagiri]
+* [GitHub#13][development] Reduced needless @make@ on testing.
+  [Patch by Eito Katagiri]
+* [GitHub#17] Added @groonga:migrate:status@ task that is similar to
+  @db:migrate:status@ task.
+  [Patch by Eito Katagiri]
+h3. Fixes
+* [GitHub#14] Fixed URL in document.
+  [Patch by Eito Katagiri]
+* [GitHub#15] Fixed a bug that @Groonga::NoSuchColumn@ is raised when
+  iterating {ActiveGroonga::ResultSet} that is created with
+  {ActiveGroonga::Base#select} of @Groonga::Hash@ table.
+  [Patch by Eito Katagiri]
+* [GitHub#16] Fixed indentation in generated migration file.
+  [Patch by Eito Katagiri]
+* Fixed a bug that @updated_at@ isn't updated on creating a record.
+  [Reported by niku]
+h3. Thanks
+* Eito Katagiri
+* niku
 h2(#4-0-0). 4.0.0: 2013-08-29
 h3. Improvements
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