[Groonga-commit] droonga/droonga.org at 38f2763 [gh-pages] Translate command reference for "select" command: ja=>en

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YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Wed Dec 18 17:17:21 JST 2013

YUKI Hiroshi	2013-12-18 17:17:21 +0900 (Wed, 18 Dec 2013)

  New Revision: 38f276350fdf829fff8bfbdb0798afe78cabcce2

    Translate command reference for "select" command: ja=>en

  Modified files:

  Modified: reference/commands/select/index.md (+59 -1)
--- reference/commands/select/index.md    2013-12-18 16:45:16 +0900 (44c87c7)
+++ reference/commands/select/index.md    2013-12-18 17:17:21 +0900 (23c9efe)
@@ -3,4 +3,62 @@ title: select
 layout: documents
-Not yet available in English. See [Japanese version](/ja/reference/commands/select/).
+* TOC
+## Abstract {#abstract}
+The `select` command finds records from the specified table based on given conditions, and returns found records.
+This is compatible to [the `select` command of the Groonga](http://groonga.org/docs/reference/commands/select.html).
+This is a request-response style command. One response message is always returned per one request.
+## Syntax {#syntax}
+    {
+      "table"            : "<Name of the table>",
+      "match_columns"    : "<List of matching columns, separated by '||'>",
+      "query"            : "<Simple search conditions>",
+      "filter"           : "<Complex search conditions>",
+      "scorer"           : "<An expression to be applied to matched records>",
+      "sortby"           : "<List of sorting columns, separated by ','>",
+      "output_columns"   : "<List of returned columns, separated by ','>",
+      "offset"           : <Offset of paging>,
+      "limit"            : <Number of records to be returned>,
+      "drilldown"        : "<Column name to be drilldown-ed>",
+      "drilldown_sortby" : "List of sorting columns for drilldown's result, separated by ','>",
+      "drilldown_output_columns" :
+                           "List of returned columns for drilldown's result, separated by ','>",
+      "drilldown_offset" : <Offset of drilldown's paging>,
+      "drilldown_limit"  : <Number of drilldown results to be returned>,
+      "cache"            : "<Query cache option>",
+      "match_escalation_threshold":
+                           <Threshold to escalate search methods>,
+      "query_flags"      : "<Flags to customize query parameters>",
+      "query_expander"   : "<Arguments to expanding queries>"
+    }
+## Parameters {#parameters}
+All parameters except `table` are optional.
+On the version {{ site.droonga_version }}, only following paramters are available. Others are simply ignored because they are not implemented.
+ * `table`
+ * `match_columns`
+ * `query`
+ * `output_columns`
+ * `offset`
+ * `limit`
+All parameters are compatible to [parameters for `select` command of the Groonga](http://groonga.org/docs/reference/commands/select.html#parameters). See the linked document for more details.
+## Resposnes {#response}
+This returns an array including search results.
+The structure of the returned array is compatible to [the returned value of the Groonga's `select` command](http://groonga.org/docs/reference/commands/select.html#id6). See the linked document for more details.
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