[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga [master] test: rename file name to proper one

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2012年 5月 8日 (火) 19:29:22 JST

HAYASHI Kentaro	2012-05-08 19:29:22 +0900 (Tue, 08 May 2012)

  New Revision: abca417e56a62d8a4b4205a2330d8e1c05eb4135

    test: rename file name to proper one
    The test checks updating index for get point.

  Renamed files:
      (from test/function/suite/load/scalar-geo-point-index.expected)
      (from test/function/suite/load/scalar-geo-point-index.test)

  Renamed: test/function/suite/load/scalar-geo-point-update-index.expected (+0 -0) 100%

  Renamed: test/function/suite/load/scalar-geo-point-update-index.test (+0 -0) 100%

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