Kazuharu Arakawa
2008年 2月 14日 (木) 14:54:20 JST
g. v.1.8.1のリリースをきりました。 changelogは以下の通り。 ===== v.1.8.1 2008.02.14 ===== *mionor fix for dnawalk, genome_map3, circular_map for Genome Projector *G::Tools::GMap::generateGMap() can now handle levels greater than 6 *HTML::Form now required for installation *added G::Tools::EMBOSS, with seqret() , and G::Tools::Blast::blastall() by Kazuki Oshita *added seqret.pl which is a simple script that use seqret() which functions identically as EMBOSS seqret command. *added blastall.pl which is a simple script that use blastall() which functions identically as blastall commandline tool, but with DDBJ REST web service (so not formatdb required!). *help command now stores documentation in virtual memory, and does not build everytime. *help shows documentation when there is only one possible entry *G::IO now keeps the pointer to the last instance created by new G (), which can be accessed by lastInstance G() or lastInstance G::IO (). SubOpt::opt_as_gb() now returns this lastInstance when there is no argument specified, so you can now do analysis in G-language Shell without making a variable for the G instance, as follows: G > load ecoli G > gcskew [ecoli graph comes up] G > load bsub G > gcskew [bsub graph comes up]