[Geronimo-jp-member 277] Geronimo Eclipse Plugin 2.1.1 リリース候補(RC1) が公開されました。

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Kan Ogawa super****@jcom*****
2008年 6月 21日 (土) 16:37:45 JST


Geronimo Eclipse Plugin 2.1.1 リリース候補(RC1)が公開されました。

これはメンテナンス・リリースです。GEP 2.1.0で報告されたバグの修正

このリリース候補のバイナリーは、Eclipse Europa Winter Maintenence
Eclipse Ganymedeについては、正式サポートされないでしょう。

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [VOTE] Release Geronimo Eclipse Plugin 2.1.1 (RC1)
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 00:08:04 -0400
From: Tim McConnell <tim.m****@gmail*****>
Reply-To: dev****@geron*****
To: [GERONIMO] dev-list <dev****@geron*****>

Hi everyone, Please review and vote on the maintenance release of
the Geronimo
Eclipse Plugin 2.1.1 RC1.

The deployable zip file is here:


The update site zip file is here:


The current svn location is here (revision number 670132):


The future svn location will be here (when approved):


There is a rudimentary set of install instructions available at
the URL below
that will hopefully describe the necessary prereq(s) and steps
required to
install and run the GEP:


Additionally, there is an ant build.xml file that can be used to
download the
prereq for the GEP. It is documented in the instructions.
Finally, I've created a Staging Site that can used to test the
update manager
functions of Eclipse for downloading both the GEP itself and the
Geronimo Server.
This is also documented in the instructions. Please let me know
if there are any

The vote is open for 72 hours and will conclude on Monday (6/23)
at 11:00 PM ET.

[ ] +1  Release Geronimo Eclipse Plugin 2.1.1
[ ] +0  No opinion
[ ] -1  Don't release Geronimo Eclipse Plugin 2.1.1

Tim McConnell

Geronimo-jp-member メーリングリストの案内
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