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PySQL aims to be a full replacement for sqlplus
(and much more). It has features such as history,
completion, and line editing. It has high level
functions (searching for tables, indexes, count,
explain plan, list of sessions, etc.), proper
output for screen and files (CSV ready for
inclusion in spreadsheets), support for user-defined SQL, background queries, graphical output for the schema data model, object dependencies, a PL/SQL package function call tree, and much more.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-06-14 04:01

Animated cursor during long queries or operations.
A startup/shutdown option (10/11g only). The desc function is now interactive if multiple objects match. Support for the new Oracle audit function (addm, awr) and assm report. A new function for awr sqltune.

2010-02-15 07:24

Automatic terminal width detection on Unix systems. Role/profile search. Search has been added to the session display function. There are many enhancements to the desc function. The prompt for multi-line commands has been enhanced. The diskusage function has been rewritten. All graphical functions have been updated to support the latest Graphviz and pydot releases.

2009-02-16 02:45

SQL text is no longer truncated in the session summary. Terminal name is restored at exit. There is better support for AIX 5.3 and cx_Oracle 5. There are many minor bugfixes and more unit tests. Missing translations have been added.
標籤: Minor bugfixes

2009-01-27 18:47

A switch to git was undertaken and the source tree was and reorganized slightly. Useless and dead modules were removed (pysqlio and pysqlnet). The license was changed from GPLv2 to GPLv3. Unicode is now used inside PySQL. Oracle client encoding (NLS_LANG) is honored for database I/O and terminal encoding for user I/O. Unit tests were added. A new function parser that allows more complex and useful command switches was added. Graphical functions (datamodel, diskusage, etc.) have new options.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2007-12-15 22:40

All of the source tree was reorganized and was
switched from a custom build system to distutils.
Installable packages are available for Linux (RPM
and Slackware tgz) and Windows. Pysql is now
installed in a standard Python site-package and a
wrapper is put on the PATH. All configuration and
cache files are now in $HOME/.pysql/ on Unix and
%APPDATA%/pysql/ on Windows. The use of extended
search patterns was added to the search function
and datamodel function.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

Project Resources