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pyrad is an implementation of a RADIUS client and server as described in RFC2865, 2866, and others. It takes care of all the details like building RADIUS packets, sending and receiving them, and en-/decoding responses.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-04-12 23:57

packet.VerifyReply() had a syntax error when not called with a raw packet A bind() method has been added to the Client class. Handling of timeouts in client module has been fixed: when a bad packet was received, pyrad immediately started the next retry instead of discarding it and waiting for a timeout. Acct-Delay-Time is correctly set when resending accounting requests packets. Account request packages are verified as well. This release protects against packets with bogus lengths.
標籤: Minor bugfixes

2003-02-15 02:30

This release is the result of more work on handling accounting packets. All parts of the code are now aware of the differences between authentication and accounting packets and deal with them accordingly. This did require a few API changes. A first shot was taken at adding twisted support through a new curved module.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2003-01-11 16:59

This release adds more features and a small API change. It includes a
(tested) RADIUS server implementation and the basis for a RADIUS proxy
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2003-01-03 18:27

This is a maintenance release which fixes a few bugs and adds
documentation before introducing new features in a new
version. client.Timeout is now derived from Exception. epydoc
documentation has been added (and is available online as
well). Example RADIUS dictionaries have been added.
標籤: Minor bugfixes

2002-10-10 12:40

This release uses proper exceptions, encodes and decodes vendor attributes, and the dictionary can parse vendor dictionaries and can handle attribute values. This version enhances most constructors so that they now take extra optional parameters with initialisation info, and no longer uses obsolete Python interfaces like whrandom.
標籤: Minor feature enhancements

Project Resources