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專案描述 is a set of applications for contact, appointment, project, and content management. It is comparable to Exchange and SharePoint. It is accessible using Web interfaces or using local clients via WebDAV, GroupDAV, and CalDAV. Custom applications can be developed using the XML-RPC API. runs on almost every GNU/Linux system.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-03-16 01:07

標籤: Development, Minor bugfixes

2005-11-07 19:56

Some minor cleanups targeted at the 1.0 final release, including fixes for linking against the SOPE 4.4.0 release and a bugfix in the Web mail translation.
標籤: Minor bugfixes

2005-07-28 17:15

This is the first beta release of OGo. The API and
features have been frozen for the 1.0 branch.
Trunk development will continue in OGo 1.1
(unstable). Major enhancements (over 1.0a.12)
include vastly improved support for vCard,
iCalendar, and GroupDAV. The contacts module now
supports multi-category searches. The XML-RPC API
supports broader access to advanced task
properties. The document viewer tabs can now be
extended using plugins.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2005-03-22 18:43

This version contains further improvements in the
configuration script. Various charset issues were
fixed in ZideStore. Some issues with the Dovecot
mail server were resolved. A set of minor bugs
were fixed.
標籤: Development, Minor bugfixes

2005-03-10 23:37

This is one of the last alpha versions prior to the 1.0 beta getting branched in Svn. The focus of the work since 1.0a8 was to make the install process as easy as possible. a11 packages contain automatic Apache configuration, automatic database setup, and a single-RPM testing package, as well as packages for a broad range of Linux distributions. Many fixes have been made.
標籤: Development, Major bugfixes

Project Resources