LabPlot is a KDE application for data plotting and function analysis. It support both 2D and 3D plots and tries to emulate most of the functions supported by programs like Microcal Origin or SPSS Sigmaplot.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
This release contains a lot of new features, such as an XML project format and HDF5 support. Memory management and data import have been improved. There are also a lot of small improvements in drawing and analysis functions.
New analysis functions were added (noise, signal filter, auto-/cross-correlation, and capability analysis). The explorer dialog was improved by adding drag and drop functionality. A new axes tic style and fill between curves was added. The Legend now supports rich text. All dialog settings can be saved now.
More weightings and residuals for regression and
nonlinear fit were added. Wavelet and hankel
transformation were added, and analysis functions
were improved. Additionally improved was not only
the surface and qwt 3D plot but also the behavior
with nonlinear scales and the support for LaTeX
labels. LabPlot now can import/export data from/to
PostgreSQL, MySQL, and other sources via the
KexiDB and Origin opj projects (Origin worksheets
only). The scripting support was completely
rewritten and many bugfixes were made.
Nonlinear fit with any user-defined function with
up to 9 parameter was added. One can now configure
all default values for plot style and symbols. It
is now possible to clone graphs and delete/clone
plots easily. The import/export settings were
improved with support for binary data.
Additionally, LabPlot now supports a speed mode
for large data sets and a data mode for inspecting
data points. Marker, improved axis grids, and
masking of data points (in spreadsheets and plots)
were added in this release.
A versatile spreadsheet for data import and
editing was added. A better 3 dimensional plot
with rotation and colormaps is also available.
Data set operations and image manipulations are
now supported. One can now import over 80
different images formats and export directly to
PS, EPS, or PDF. The plots now use double
buffering, and LabPlot supports scripting using