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Isoqlog is an MTA log analysis program written in
C. It is designed to scan qmail, Postfix,
Sendmail, and Exim logfiles and produce usage
statistics in HTML for viewing through a browser.
It produces a "top domains" statistic according to
sender, receiver, total mails, and bytes, and
keeps the main domain mail statistics with regard
to day's top domain, and top users values for per
day, per month, and per year.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-06-17 14:30

Isoqlog has been rewritten from scratch in C. It can now read and analyze Qmail (multilog/syslog), Sendmail, and Postfix mail server logs. This release includes HTML Templates, and now processes today's statistics instead of yesterday's. The multilog-rotate has also been cleaned.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2001-05-18 18:48

The HTML and source code were tidied up. A $Debug variable was created, which
will suppress screen output if it is set to 0. More errors are now displayed.
The following new subroutines were created: &makehtmlheader, &makemenu, and
&display_time. The existing EnderUnixTeam subroutine was modified to work in
the same way, content unchanged. A graph capability has been added to display
usage statistics. Support for the Italian and Polish languages has been added.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2001-04-18 17:30

'0 MB' problem corrected (if your domains total
byte is less than 1MB, it will be printed using
KB). Portuguese language support has been added
(thanks to Edson Lima Monteiro <boni (at)>
). Logfile Ownership problem
(multilog part) fixed.
標籤: Minor bugfixes

2001-03-07 12:58

A total rewrite, with multilog support, user-based incoming/outgoing/total mail top scores for every domain that you define, user-based byte top scores for every your domain that you define, and a fix for minus(-) mail values at top scores.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2001-01-30 15:13

Multi Domains support has been added. Displaying Date has been corrected. Some small bugs have been fixed.

Project Resources