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The GLPK package is intended for solving linear programming (LP) and mixed integer linear programming (MIP) problems. It is a set of routines organized in the form of a library and written in the ANSI C programming language.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-06-25 23:19

This release supports the GNU MathProg modeling language (a subset of the AMPL modeling language). The "GLPK: Modeling Language GNU MathProg" document included is a complete description of GNU MathProg. New glpsol solver version supporting models are written in GNU MathProg. The GLPK/L modeling language is no longer supported, as GNU MathProg completely supersedes all GLPK/L features.
標籤: Stable, Major feature enhancements

2003-04-04 12:35

The LP presolver is now used by default in the stand-alone program, and glpsol is provided to the lpx_simplex routine. The GLPK/L language now implements declarations of interval sets. There is also now a GLPK JNI Java interface.
標籤: Stable

2002-09-07 06:56

This release includes a preliminary implementation of the branch-and-cut framework, which is a set of data structures and routines intended for solving mixed-integer and combinatorial optimization problems. That framework is best described in the "GLPK: A Preliminary Implementation of the Branch-and-Cut Framework" document. There is a standalone program intended for solving, optimally, the symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), that is a classical problem of the combinatorial optimization.
標籤: Stable, Minor feature enhancements

2002-08-05 12:38

This version includes new editions of the GLPK Reference Manual and the "GLPK: Modeling Language GLPK/L" document. There are several new API routines, and a new version of the standalone glpsol solver (based on the new API, from 3.0) was implemented. The old API routines were removed, as the new API provides all functions from the old API.
標籤: Stable, Major feature enhancements

2002-06-18 00:48

New LU-factorization and basis maintenance routines (based on Forrest-Tomlin updating technique), new Reference Manual and User Guide documentation, and a new simplex method implementation.
標籤: Stable, Major feature enhancements

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