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Web Gedcom Viewer is a full Web-based Gedcom viewer that uses MySQL or SQLite on the backend and Perl as the frontend with templates for easy HTML manipulation. Gedcom files are in the standard format exported by family tree/genealogy applications such as Family Tree Maker or Personal Ancestory File. Plugging in different SQL types is a breeze, as all of the SQL statements are centralized to a single pm.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-01-06 01:37

New administration, and new abilities to import gedcom files from your browser, delete records, and change the admin password. This is not a multiuser system, but the door has been left open if that becomes the case eventually.
標籤: Minor feature enhancements

2002-01-03 01:36

This release no longer depends on Gedcom-1.09.tar.gz, but does its own gedcom file parsing. A lot of the regexp has been moved into MySQL to help improve speed in the amount of the data transfered to the Gedcom engine. The design has canged from one table with everything to two tables (Individuals and Families), which should make it much more accurate then before, as it is using the same id threads as the gedcom files themselves. This also allowed for the addition of the marriage information and showing of adopted children. There has been a 90% code rewrite with speed in mind.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2002-01-01 14:28

A bug where a field in the MySQL table was too restrictive if the individual had many children has been fixed. Other small bugfixes were added.
標籤: Minor bugfixes

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