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The STUBS Toolchain and Utility Build Suite is a
set of scripts which, together with a set of
pre-written configuration files, builds one or
more software packages in sequence. STUBS is
designed to work in very minimal environments,
including those without "make", and URLs are
included so source and patches can be downloaded
as necessary. Configuration files and scripts are
provided which create boot media for
Franki/Earlgrey Linux (one of several example
busybox- and uClibc-based Linux environments) and
the intention is that STUBS should be able to
rebuild such an environment from within itself.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-02-01 22:28

This release obsoletes v0.8.0 and v0.9.5.
Configuration files were checked for failing
"patch" commands during the build, and non-working
URLs were replaced. The generation of "ldd" for
the chroot environments was fixed.
標籤: tcdev, Minor bugfixes

2009-01-18 03:16

This is an update to the fully-"make"-dependent
"tcdev" build suite. All toolchains' compiler and
uClibc build methods were improved and the
associated download URLs were updated. The
recommended host environment for this release is
now the LFS [v6.3 for i686] live CD.
標籤: tcdev, Code cleanup

2008-11-09 15:20

This release focuses on updating and sanitizing
the Sencha/Bancha/Lung Ching toolchain scripts.
Additional build script updates include new
versions of curl, ed, hd2u, ncdu, and tinyproxy.
標籤: STUBS Configurations, Minor feature enhancements

2008-10-05 04:06

This prerelease introduces a separate set of
extensions called "Rou Gui", containing networking
applications. The sanitized scripts of the
previous release have been extended with new
versions of autoconf and dhcpcd.
標籤: STUBS Configurations, Minor feature enhancements

2008-09-30 08:58

This preview disk image includes an updated 'netprobe' script, which allows a hard drive install (made from the boot floppy with to correctly load kernel modules and bring up the network card with a static address.
標籤: Earlgrey Linux, Minor feature enhancements

Project Resources