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Freesteam is a library that allows you to
calculate water and steam properties using the
industry-standard IAPWS-IF97 steam tables. It is a
library of C++ classes which can be integrated
into your code. Plug-ins to allow freesteam to be
integrated with spreadsheets and other
applications are under development. The included
unit tests assure compliance with published
property values. IAPWS-95 (scientific use)
correlations are also included and used as part of
this validation.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-06-02 13:44

Minor updates were made to the IAPWS-IF97 steam tables calculator. Some additional detail was provided in some of the exception messages. Extra EMSO test models, plotting of p-u steam property diagrams, and a pipe pressure drop calculator for use with the test model for pipe flow were added.
標籤: Minor feature enhancements

2005-03-23 13:09

This release features the creation of steam table diagrams
(plots of p-s, T-h, etc) from the command line via the
'diagram.cli' tool. There is expanded support for the EMSO
simulation package.
標籤: Minor feature enhancements

2005-03-12 07:24

New two-way solvers were implemented for T,h, u,v, p,h, p,T, p,u, p,s, T,s. Integration with the EMSO simulation/solver program was added along with support for property plots on arbitrary axes, building on MinGW, and preliminary integration with the 'EES' solver software. A memory leak occurring with re-thrown exceptions was fixed and a 'first guess' option was added to the two-way solver. Tolerance on the SatCurve solver was made finer and minor bugfixes were made.
標籤: Minor feature enhancements

2005-02-18 09:05

標籤: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources