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dradis is a tool for sharing information during security assessments. It provides a centralized repository of information to keep track of what has been done so far, and what is still ahead.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-09-11 19:51

In the server component, you can drag'n'drop your notes. New Rake tasks were added to backup the project, reset the environment, etc. The upload plugin gives better feedback in case of an exception. Nmap Upload now uses the Nmap::Parser library. A plugin was added to import data from the OSVDB. Bugs were fixed in the client component.

2009-06-12 16:33

The following changes were made to the server component: Attachments can be added to nodes. "Refresh" buttons were added to the tree and the notes list. The use of "webrick" is forced even if mongrel is installed, since there is no SSL support in mongrel. The framework version information was centralized. autoExpandColumn now works on IE. Rails runs in "production" mode. The following changes were made to the client component: dradis can be used with wxRuby 2.0.0. Error handling was improved for REST Web service communication errors. REST credentials configuration in ./conf/dradis.xml was made easier.

2009-04-17 18:20

The server component now features an import/export plugin architecture, import/export plugin generators, a sample WordXML export plugin, and a sample WikiMedia import plugin. The client component now features an import extension that allows nmap output to be imported, the ability to import a note from a plain text file, and more a powerful add extension that can add a note from the console.

2009-02-24 10:09

This release has smart command line parsing. The console client accepts multi-word parameters using quotes. The *add* extension allows adding nodes and categories. Parameter description support has been added to the extensions. Bug 2572271 has been closed with a Ruby 1.8.7 compatibility fix for the wxWidgets interface. This release contains the first security patch and minor bugfixes.
標籤: Minor feature enhancements

2009-01-30 20:40

REST is now used instead of SOAP. In the server component, Nodes are used instead of Hosts, Services, and Protocols. The server now uses Rails 2.0 and ExtJS 2.2, and SSL transport and authentication are supported. The wxWidgets client was adapted to the new node-note structure of the server. The "modules" component of the client was refactored and is now called "extensions". John's string encoding extension is built in to the dradis client. The first building blocks of the service-oriented multiverse architecture were set into place.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

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