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CGG is a simple static Web photo gallery, designed
to be clean and easily usable, with EXIF support.
Generated pages are static HTML files with no
extra requirements on the server. The gallery
source is a set of XML files containing everything
needed. The gallery has modern design, and pages
are valid XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2. No GUI is supplied:
this is a console application, allowing easy
scripting (e.g. auto-refresh after new images are
uploaded via FTP).

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-12-06 04:32

This release brings support for Atom feed autogeneration from news entries. It also introduces squared thumbnails and few bugfixes.

2009-10-24 22:07

This is the final release, focused on stability. Multithreading should be usable now, though it is still disabled by default. There are known problems with openmp-enabled ImageMagick on some distributions.
標籤: Stable

2009-05-10 05:56

This release brings new timestamp-based update mode and experimental multithreading support (which is turned off by default). Support for interspaces has been added to the templates. Increased flexibility brings support for customizing file and directory names. This version is considered a release candidate.
標籤: Minor feature enhancements

2009-03-28 20:28

This release focuses on minor enhancements and brings solutions to long-standing issues. The most notable improvements are better HTML entity handling, support for extra (enclosed) files in albums, and favicon support. Other changes include increased flexibility in source structure, theming, and templates.

2009-01-12 00:35

This release focuses on various smaller
improvements and bugfixes that make a big
difference in the end. Gallery authors can now
choose from a broader variety of options that
affect generated code. Overall cleanup of
templates has been performed, and pages are now
more flexible in scaling. Space saving routines
have been implemented by stripping unneeded
datablocks from JPEG images.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

Project Resources