待辦事項 #34712

Master Volume

啟用日期: 2014-12-17 15:35 最後更新: 2015-01-01 00:05

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It would be useful to have a setting for the master volume of DTXMania, which changes the overall volume of the sound.

The reason I'm asking for this is Windows 7. It seems like they changed the handling of sound when it exceeds the maximum volume. (Compared to XP)
Instead of clipping, they reduce the overall volume, which sounds bad with music.
I know that in Windows 7 the volume can be changed separately for each application, but it doesn't prevent this behaviour.
Here is a recording of the problem including the test DTX: ht tps://www.mediafire.com/?cc63h3d3ycuw62k
Although I'm not certain that this is a Windows 7 problem and not my system's fault, it was confirmed by another person.

When lowering the "Chip Volume" and "Auto Volume" in DTXMania, it helps to prevent the unwanted volume changes. So I guess lowering the master volume and increasing Windows 7 system volume would help.

Anyways, I think it's a useful feature regardless of this problem.

Ticket History (3/12 Histories)

2014-12-17 15:35 Updated by: beatme
  • New Ticket "Master Volume" created
2014-12-18 00:15 Updated by: yyagi

Instead of clipping, they reduce the overall volume, which sounds bad with music.

You can avoid it by using WASAPI or ASIO.

BTW about a half year ago I made a test code for master volume. tp://yyagi.com/DTXMania_34712_mastervolume_trial.zip

It works only for ASIO, but not for WASAPI. To support WASAPI, I need furthur investigations.

2014-12-18 01:25 Updated by: yyagi

now CONFIGURATION/System/MasterVolume takes effect for both WASAPI/ASIO


2014-12-18 01:58 Updated by: beatme

Thanks for the information about WASAPI/ASIO. It seems like they really don't change the volume.
Although there is a different problem with WASAPI/ASIO, the bgm is not synchronised anymore. It's playing too early. (By a small amount) (Tested bgm is Ogg vorbis WAVE)
What could this be related to? They both have it. For ASIO, I use ASIO4ALL v2.

About the master volume, it seems to work, but it only works with WASAPI/ASIO?

2014-12-18 02:31 Updated by: None

>Although there is a different problem with WASAPI/ASIO, the bgm is not synchronised anymore. It's playing too early.

Maybe... it causes because the lag is differnt between DirectSound and WASAPI/ASIO.

DirectSound has bigger lag, but many DTX data creators adjusted BGM with DirectSound (DTXV uses DirectSound), so you feel "too early" when you use WASAPI/ASIO (smaller lag).

To adjust BGM timing, please use BGMAdjust feature in playing screen.

  • SHIFT + ArrowUp/Down = BGMAdjust +-10ms
  • CTRL + SHIFT + ArrowUp/Down = BGMAdjust L-1ms

The settings is memorized for each dtx files.

2014-12-18 03:34 Updated by: beatme

Actually it's ripped and should be perfectly synced. (I have checked the Wave of these songs multiple times, and the timings should be correct...)
Is there a difference in sync for you when using DirectSound instead of WASAPI/ASIO?
Here's a DTX that I have this problem with: ht tps://www.mediafire.com/?30sk949va3a3gl4

Adjusting the BGM for every song would be a little bit annoying, but I guess it's a possibility.

2014-12-21 22:00 Updated by: yyagi
  • 負責人 Update from (無) to yyagi

I could not play your problemed DTX data. (No BGM playback.)

I know BGM uses WAV format and it contains vorbis codec data. It seems my Win8 x64 can't handle it.

Could you recommend me proper codec to playback?

I have tried "ogg vorbis codec for msacm", but it doesn't work well.

2014-12-23 02:20 Updated by: beatme

It needs to be installed manually for 64-bit systems.
Here is an english description of how to do it: ht tp://pastebin.com/q2UABEG6

2014-12-23 02:51 Updated by: yyagi

Oops, your pastebin seems erased ... but your hint is great help for me. At last I could install vorbis codec for x64 by tp://ameblo.jp/true-shootingstar/entry-11142859506.html

and I could repro your issue. (1 beat skipped in overture)

If you encounter this issue, please set CONFIGURATION/UseOSTimer=OFF, or AdjustWaves=OFF. (I recomment former setting)

2014-12-23 11:28 Updated by: beatme

It's not that much for me, the BGM is only about 0.1s early at most.
The DTX is actually not so good for testing, because it uses weird BPM. But I've calculated the timing anyways:
((60 / 131.004) * 3) + ((60 / 135.003) * 5) = 3.59617668781 (This is the beginning of Bar # 002)
Here is a screenshot of that timing in the wave: tp://i.imgur.com/qFU1wlt.png
That is how it sounds like in DSound. (Which is good and in sync)
When choosing WASAPI (or ASIO), the timing seems to be AFTER the peak. (So the chips will be after the BGM)
In the song's BGM, at this point there is a kind of snare click sound (in pairs of two, twice per measure), so it's easy to hear if it's too early.
I've tried changing the settings, but it did not change anything. (UseOSTimer was always off, AdjustWaves doesn't seem to change anything.)

By the way, my pastebin still works for me. Strange.

2014-12-23 16:31 Updated by: yyagi

FIrst of all, we should move to the new ticket. Current topic does not related to the master volume.

I published #34732 for the sync topic. Let's discussed about it at #34732.

2015-01-01 00:05 Updated by: yyagi
  • 處理結果 Update from to Accepted
  • Ticket Close date is changed to 2015-01-01 00:05
  • 狀態 Update from 開啟 to 關閉

Implemented in the release101.

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