I was trying to do a bit of cleaning on the SVN repository, fixing some projects that needed a bit of tweaks.
My first commit (1587) did work just fine
I asked one of my users to try from their own machine, and he got a similar error on another file
Not sure what to do at that point, some googling seems to indicate that this error mostly happen when a disk is out of space, not sure if that's relevant to your system.
Hi, I was trying to do a bit of cleaning on the SVN repository, fixing some projects that needed a bit of tweaks. My first commit (1587) did work just fine
Revision: 1587
Author: dbug Date: 2023-01-03 01:50:33 +0900 (Tue, 03 Jan 2023)
but I tried to commit another change after that and I got an error message:
Command: Commit to https://svn.osdn.net/svnroot/oricsdk/users/dbug/tests/Profiler/profile.h Error: Commit failed (details follow): Error: Couldn't perform atomic initialization
I asked one of my users to try from their own machine, and he got a similar error on another file . Not sure what to do at that point, some googling seems to indicate that this error mostly happen when a disk is out of space, not sure if that's relevant to your system.
Best regards and Happy New Year.