討論區: 公開討議 (Thread #35329)

COLOR function? (BASICAcc). (2014-04-18 10:06 by giorgos #72669)

Hi! :-)

Is there any COLOR function in BASICAcc for text mode?

I can see 2 similar Color functions for graphic mode, but what I want is coloring the letters and the background, in text mode.

TIA! :-)

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Re: COLOR function? (BASICAcc). (2014-04-18 14:50 by SHIRAISHI Kazuo #72673)

Full BASIC prepares no feature of coloring text on the text output.
Operating with BASICAcc, you may be able to color text by modifing PASCAL codes if you are familiar with SynEdit.

回覆: #72669

回覆 #72673×

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Re: COLOR function? (BASICAcc). (2014-04-19 04:42 by giorgos #72682)

[Reply To Message #72673]
> Full BASIC prepares no feature of coloring text on the text output.
> Operating with BASICAcc, you may be able to color text by modifing PASCAL codes if you are familiar with SynEdit.

Oh, I see!
The bad thing, is that going this way, you have to actually take the Pascal way.
OK! Not a bad thing. It just not the traditional, BASIC way.
MANY THANKS Kazuo for your help!!! :-)
回覆: #72673

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