I would like you to send the result of "Edit > Copy". I would like to support new Plextor's SSDs.
It may fix on CrystalDiskInfo 6.1.0 Dev.11. http://crystalmark.info/?lang=en Please test it.
thanks, it fixed successfully! old/new report attached.
now, its wrong calculate for some old M5P. all M5P based on 9187 controller and do not required PlextorNandWritesUnit divide by 2. in last version code serial number check "<= 2247" required only for M5S.
also liteon E200 - another branded version of plextor M3S, and has similar smart.
Thank you for your report. I will add to calculate option (divided by 2 or not) in the future release.
It is very difficult to support all SSDs.
I do not understand why, but 6.1.13 again does not work on old M5P drive... screenshot from 6.1.9&6.1.13 attached.
Sorry, I fixed it in the 6.1.14.
ups, possible i don't understand, but code CheckPlextorNandWritesUnit() from 6.1.14 back to 6.1.12?
PlextorNandWritesUnit for this ssd equal size in GB, not divide by 2 (like M3S/M3P/early M5S with 9174 controller). difference between new/old M5S for its detect - new version has 0xF1/F2 attributes, also new version report 4096 bytes physical sector sizes.
for example, full write of secure erased 128G M5S drive: 0xF1: 4->3816 0xB1: 11->968