[Codeigniter-users] 2.1.0 ブランチの経緯

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Kenji Suzuki kenji****@gmail*****
2011年 11月 8日 (火) 09:26:01 JST

Kenji です。

Phil Sturgeon が 2.1.0 についての経緯を語りました。

できなくなったので、新しいユーザガイドとライセンスなしの 2.1 をリリースすることに

Everyone was worrying about user guide not being complete and this license change causing problems for their projects/websites/whatever. Not enough progress was being made on the new documentation and the develop branch was looking increasingly unready for release as either v2.1 OR v3.0, so I did the only logical thing available: prepare v2.1 without the new documentation or license changes. A rebase was proving difficult so I spent 5 hours on a Sunday night to create this branch. It contains a lot of very useful new features and has none of the controversial issues that are in discussion at the moment. Of all people vocal about problems recently I would have expected you to be behind this. A new version with a bunch of bugfixes and no license change issues? Surely thats a winner for everyone?


// Kenji

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