[Bexlib-devel 35] 本日の実績(2/2)サンプル追加=kt-clock

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kazuya takase vef03****@nifty*****
2003年 7月 20日 (日) 13:16:45 JST

test サンプルに追加(kt-clock.c:時計もどき)お願いします。

◎「kt-clock.c の概要」
30秒間だけ動作(END_TIME で変更可能)する時計もどきです。
「X Window で遊ぶ本」の中の時計プログラムを改造しました。

Be OS(POSIX)へのポーティングが不完全の為、sleepでごまかし

(1)毎秒、XCreateGC を呼ぶ必要があるのか?

//----- start
/* kt-clock.c */

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define WIN_WIDTH 100
#define WIN_HEIGHT 100
#define END_TIME 30  //----- clock timer end (sec)
int   ti = 1;   //----- clock timer sleep (sec)
Display  *w_dis;
Window  w_win;
GC   w_gc;
draw_hand( double th, int r_start, int r_end )
 int x_st, x_end, y_st, y_end;

 x_st = WIN_WIDTH / 2 + r_start * cos( th );
 x_end = WIN_WIDTH / 2 + r_end * cos( th );
 y_st = WIN_WIDTH / 2 + r_start * sin( th );
 y_end = WIN_WIDTH / 2 + r_end * sin( th );
 XDrawLine( w_dis, w_win, w_gc, x_st, y_st, x_end, y_end );
int drawFace( viod )
 time_t ti;
 struct tm *now;

 time( &ti );
 now = localtime( &ti );

 XClearWindow( w_dis, w_win );
 XDrawArc( w_dis, w_win, w_gc, 0, 0, 99, 99, 0, 360 * 64 );
 XDrawArc( w_dis, w_win, w_gc, 20, 20, 59, 59, 0, 360 * 64 );
 XDrawArc( w_dis, w_win, w_gc, 30, 30, 39, 39, 0, 360 * 64 );
 XDrawArc( w_dis, w_win, w_gc, 40, 40, 19, 19, 0, 360 * 64 );

 draw_hand( M_PI / 2 - ( now->tm_hour ) * 2 * M_PI / 12, 10, 20 );
 draw_hand( M_PI / 2 - ( now->tm_min ) * 2 * M_PI / 60, 20, 30 );
 draw_hand( M_PI / 2 - ( now->tm_sec ) * 2 * M_PI / 60, 30, 50 );
 XFlush( w_dis );
 printf( "[%02dh:%02dt:%02ds]\n", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec );
//----- main
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
 XSetWindowAttributes w_att;
 XEvent     w_eve;
 char     w_title[]   = "kt-clock";
 char     w_icon_title[]  = "ICON!";
 int      i;

 w_dis = XOpenDisplay( NULL );
 w_win = XCreateSimpleWindow( w_dis, RootWindow( w_dis, 0 ),10 ,100 ,
    BlackPixel( w_dis, 0 ), WhitePixel( w_dis, 0 ));

 XSetStandardProperties( w_dis, w_win, w_title, w_icon_title,
  None, argv, argc, NULL );

 w_att.override_redirect = True;
 XChangeWindowAttributes( w_dis, w_win, CWOverrideRedirect, &w_att );

    XSelectInput( w_dis, w_win, ExposureMask ); 
    XMapWindow( w_dis, w_win ); 

        XNextEvent( w_dis, &w_eve);
    }while( w_eve.type != Expose );
    for( i = 0; i < END_TIME; i++ ) {
        w_gc = XCreateGC( w_dis, w_win, 0, 0 );
        drawFace( );
        sleep( ti );

 XDestroyWindow( w_dis , w_win );
 XCloseDisplay( w_dis );

 return( 0 );
//----- end

kt ( kazuya takase )

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