[Aime-devel] hey check this one out

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kvsup****@btint***** kvsup****@btint*****
2007年 10月 2日 (火) 01:55:28 JST

7 Months after release, the Fearless 28 celebrates nearly $10 Million in

Fearless International
Price: $0.25

The new Porsche Design Studio "Fearless 28" totes a price tag of
$300,000, and FRLE has already taken in 33 orders since its release in
February. This is the first sleek design of a 5 yacht series ranging
from 28 to 150 feet in length. The release of the designs for the
"Fearless 44", the next in the line is expected to hit the market any
day. This is one of the hottest companies we have covered this year.
Grab this one at the opening bell.

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