討論區: 幫助論壇 (Thread #41060)

First steps if you get problems to boot/start it (2019-08-18 16:55 by None #83398)

Some information (in case it does not work):

1. If possible, use uefi to boot, if not usb is too possible 2. if the first english option (with harddisk) does not work, use the one without harddisk 3. If it does not work without harddisk, you can go to 'e' on the menu item, then you can edit the boot options (after it press F10 to start boot process) 4. Some information about the boot options (the following line is one line from the menu entries):

linux /vmlinuz quiet loglevel=0 splash ram md5.eb40e29a7434fdba02bf4e26cf43009d auto acpi_osi= silent lang.en

quiet loglevel.0 splash => if you remove them you get more log information in first stage boot

ram => always needed

md5.eb40e29a7434fdba02bf4e26cf43009d => always different, does check if the initrd is correct

auto => always needed, currently there is no manual setup

acpi_osi= => the default item is acpi_osi= which menas we don't tell anything, it is only needed on some computers (i.e. on my acer 5 swift, without this flag, the trackball does not work). Sometimes you can use acpi_osi=windows, but sometimes you cannot use it (so it is not there in the first boot options)

silent => if removed there is a text based installer

The most important point to figure out is stop.xx (stop.10). With this flag you can stop the installler at a certain point (you well get a shell).

And one final note to the installer: It is perl based, you find it in the initrd under /install1.pl

Normally you don't need anything of it, but in case you get troubles this is the procedure to find out what is wrong.

And just in case you need password, it is always archivista

(最後更新: 2019-09-05 01:34 by archivista)