討論區: 公開討議 (Thread #30311)

新機能の検討 (2011-09-06 20:33 by coffee #59483)


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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-09-07 21:53 by coffee #59495)

回覆: #59483

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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-09-12 15:00 by coffee #59546)

回覆: #59483

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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-09-17 19:00 by coffee #59632)

・メソッド名 RegExpUtil#replaceBack を replace に変更
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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-09-17 20:18 by coffee #59633)

回覆: #59483

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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-09-17 23:51 by coffee #59634)

回覆: #59483

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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-09-20 09:27 by coffee #59669)

2011/09/20 1.0.3
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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-09-21 09:44 by coffee #59681)

2011/09/21 1.0.4
順序を保証する LzMap#forEach(List, LzMapClosure) 1.0.3 の他に、順序を保証しないforEachを追加。
LzMap#forEach(LzMapClosure) 1.0.4
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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-09-21 14:51 by coffee #59689)

2011/09/22 1.0.5
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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-09-21 20:51 by coffee #59700)

早期リリース 1.0.5
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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-09-21 23:42 by coffee #59705)

2011/09/22 1.0.6
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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-09-22 22:47 by coffee #59715)

2011/09/23 1.0.7 安定版
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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-10-06 22:59 by coffee #59968)

・StringUtil.getRepeatedChars('x', 10);が長いので、
 StringUtil.repeat(char c, int len);
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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-10-08 21:52 by coffee #59993)

2011/10/8 DataDamperの改良
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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-11-14 06:35 by coffee #60517)

2011/11/14 DateUtilの開発を開始
・String diff(Date date)
・String diff(Date now, Date date)
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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-11-16 14:23 by coffee #60569)

2011/11/16 DateUtilの開発中

・String diffString(Date date)
・String diffString(Date now, Date date)

現状、n秒前、n分前、n時間前、n日前、nヶ月前、n年前 などの文字列を返す。
回覆: #59483

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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-11-17 13:54 by coffee #60603)

2011/11/17 1.0.15
回覆: #59483

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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-11-30 12:50 by coffee #60915)

2011/11/30 1.0.16
回覆: #59483

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RE: 新機能の検討 (2011-12-03 09:30 by coffee #60987)

2011/12/03 1.0.17
回覆: #59483

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RE: 新機能の検討 (2012-01-02 23:27 by coffee #61446)

2012/01/02 1.0.18
回覆: #59483

回覆 #61446×

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RE: 新機能の検討 (2012-03-08 14:43 by coffee #62660)

2012/03/08 1.0.19

回覆: #59483

回覆 #62660×

You can not use Wiki syntax
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RE: 新機能の検討 (2012-04-29 14:05 by coffee #63483)

2012/04/29 1.1.0
回覆: #59483

回覆 #63483×

You can not use Wiki syntax
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