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the default GitOps source repository for booting up Jenkins X

Commit MetaInfo

修訂10391d6d819f53191924839b43f54c1ad2e42f35 (tree)
時間2019-07-11 19:06:31
作者James Strachan <james.strachan@gmai...>

Log Message

Merge pull request #2 from jenkins-x/pmuir-patch-1

chore: improve the help text for the hmac token

Change Summary


--- a/env/parameters.schema.json
+++ b/env/parameters.schema.json
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
3535 "hmacToken": {
3636 "type": "string",
3737 "format": "token",
38- "title": "HMAC token",
39- "description": "The HMAC token is used to validate incoming webhooks, TODO"
38+ "title": "HMAC token, used to validate incoming webhooks from the Git Provider (e.g. GitHub)",
39+ "description": "The HMAC token is used by the Git Provider to create a hash signature for each webhook, and by Jenkins X to validate that the signature is from a trusted source. It's normally best to have Jenkins X generate a token for you if you don't already have one. You'll need to save it and use it with all the webhooks configured in your git provider for Jenkins X. For more detail see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC"
4040 }
4141 }
4242 },
@@ -150,4 +150,4 @@
150150 }
151151 }
152152 ]
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