このプロジェクトでは、古典ラテン語・ギリシア語を学ぶ方のために、羅英辞典(ELD, LS)、希英辞典(LS, LSJ)などのデータをEPWING形式で公開しています。 羅英・希英辞典は、数十万件に及ぶ変化形見だし付きのものも作りました。 いずれも著作権保護期間の過ぎた、CCL, GPLで公開されているデータを元にしていますので、どなたでも無料で自由に使えます。
This project provides EPWING data of
EPWING is a popular format of electronic dictionary in Japan. You can read it on Windows/Mac/Unix/iPhone/PDA etc with free viewers.
Register Date: 2009-06-03 15:55
相關的專案Escuelas Linux, openalgoviz, 英単語をアプリケーションを使って覚えるプロジェクト, Quite Universal Circuit Simulator, Repast |
pdirl (PHP Directory Listing) is a tiny directory lister program. It is meant to be better looking and more useful than the directory listings produced by Apache. It features searching, directory listing in subdirectories, breadcrumb navigation, translations, and MIME-type detection. It requires PHP 5.
Humm and Strumm is a project to create a high-performance, concurrent 3D video game engine in modern C++.
相關的專案Darik's Boot and Nuke, MikuMikuDroid, SmillaEnlarger, Acerola3D, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
Nulloy is a cross-platform music player with a waveform seek bar, skins, support for many audio formats (MP3, FLAC, OGG, WMA, AIFF, etc.), tags, and cover art.
Unknown Horizons is a 2D realtime strategy simulation with an emphasis on economy and city building. Expand your small settlement to a strong and wealthy colony, collect taxes and supply your inhabitants with valuable goods. Increase your power with a well balanced economy and with strategic trade and diplomacy.
相關的專案iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Darik's Boot and Nuke, TuxGuitar, DeSmuME, Programming Language ADP |
PHP CRUD is a tool for generating PHP code for CRUD (create, replace, update, and delete) operations. It's based on Smarty with an MVC style for MySQL.
相關的專案MPC-BE, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MergeDoc, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows |
Register Date: 2014-06-08 08:01
相關的專案 |
PHP Directory Listing displays the contents of a directory on a Web
server with automatic thumbnail creation and caching for JPEG, GIF, and
PNG files, a text preview for all kinds of text files and every other
file type it knows about, and MIME type icons.
相關的專案Darik's Boot and Nuke, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, TuxGuitar, SmillaEnlarger |
オープンソースの EIP (Enterprise Information Portal) エンジンである Liferay のドキュメントを日本語化するプロジェクトです。
Register Date: 2010-10-30 22:10
相關的專案phpGroupWare Japanese Project, jBPM, ProjectLibre Project Management, Free VCF to Excel XLSX, Shared Questionnaire System |
Virtual Skipperは、TrackManiaで有名なデベロッパNadeoが開発した、ヨットレースシミュレーション(ゲーム)です。このソフトのメニュー、メッセージ、チュートリアルの日本語化を行います。 Virtual Skipperについては Virtual Skipper Wiki を参照して下さい。
Register Date: 2010-03-18 07:10
相關的專案DTXMania, StepMania, StepMania Japan, FreeTrain, RoboCup tools |
This version of Catcoin on the Scratch website (at scratch.mit.edu) is made with Scratch 2.0.
Register Date: 2022-05-28 20:08
相關的專案 |
PIC18F45K20等のワンチップマイコンと、AKC6955等のI2C操作出来るラジオで、デジタル液晶表示とテンキー周波数入力等を備えた多機能ラジオを作っていく。 see also: https://sites.google.com/site/artanejp/home/electronics/radio-with-pic (日本語で書いています)
Register Date: 2013-06-09 09:45
相關的專案CrystalDiskInfo, FeliCa Library, OpenZaurus-ja, ChibiOS, Iometer |
It is a Linux distribution mainly developed by Japanese students (and maybe some adults, too...) It is a Linux distribution mainly developed by a Japanese student (maybe an adult). With the goal of being "linux for scracher", it comes pre-installed with tools commonly used by scratchers and has a macos-like appearance. Wine is also installed for those who want to migrate from Windows.
PINK CORP. https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31428541/ homepage https://pink-os-the-os.jimdosite.com/ youtube https://www.youtube.com/@pinkos687 License information for each package can be found in /usr/share/doc/name/copyright. Base: The latest ubuntu LTS version (basix) as possible
pink os is controlled and licensed by ScratchSoft. ScratchSoft -Japan-. https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31791107
Q:How old is nemuihito? A:I am in the third grade of junior high school. Q:I want to introduce you on my blog or video streaming site. A:Of course you can. Please do it more and more! Q:I want to participate in development. A:Please go to Member List→Participate in Development→Apply to join the project. If there is no problem, you will be hired. Even beginners are welcome! (To tell the truth, I'm getting bored recently and want to quit the project as soon as I inherit the technology.)
Register Date: 2022-07-23 12:44
相關的專案Zorin OS, Thinstation, Android-x86, linuxBean, Parrot Security OS |