> But, for the compatibility, we may not have to embed
> 'xoops_escape' here. We need to check whether xoops
> 2.0.x escapes menu links in the core side.
XOOPS 2.0.x handles these values as escaped values, so our
templates should not embed them with escape-modifier. But,
it does not follow XOOPS Cube's policy which developers
handle all values as unescaped values.
To solve these issues, I had to introduce new array key.
More Informations:
/modules/legacy/admin/theme/admin_theme.html Line76
Reporter said that 'xoops_escape' may be need here for
$menu.link as the following:
But, for the compatibility, we may not have to embed
'xoops_escape' here. We need to check whether xoops
2.0.x escapes menu links in the core side.