Else-Code is passed when $this->_mXoopsModule is not an
object, $this->_mXoopsModule->get('dirname') may be fatal
error. Updater doesn't check is_object(), so these check
code s have to be uniformed.
Shall we handle "$this->_mXoopsModule is an object or not?"
as the precondition of these three classes. In fact, three
actions about these classes check such preconditions. If
deletes those code which is never passed, we can fix it rapidly.
#10089 と似たようなものだけど
Legacy_ModuleUninstaller::_processReport() にて
if (is_object($this->_mXoopsModule)) {
else {
の else 内は $this->_mXoopsModule がおぶじぇくとじゃな
updater では is_object ちぇっくはしてなかったけどどれか