討論區: 公開討論 (Thread #44084)

[Teraterm] how to send ctrl+left and ctrl+right key to move word in command line? (2021-05-06 23:43 by av930 #87429)

Hello, I am using Teraterm to connect Ubuntu system.
When I put commands and move word by "ctrl+arrow", it is not working. but other terminal is working such as MobaXterm or etc.
I add .inputrc well.

Please watch the problem similar to me.

Do i have to add something keyboard.cnf ? or something?
please help me.

Re: [Teraterm] how to send ctrl+left and ctrl+right key to move word in command line? (2021-05-07 08:59 by nmaya #87430)


I guess it will work fine.

[User keys]
回覆: #87429

Re: [Teraterm] how to send ctrl+left and ctrl+right key to move word in command line? (2021-05-07 09:19 by av930 #87431)

Thank you, It is working now.
I appreciate it.

My .inputrc setting is below for future reference.
# Ctrl+Left/Right to move by whole words.
"\e[1;5C": forward-word
"\e[1;5D": backward-word
回覆: #87430