[Swfed-svn] swfed-svn [387] コードの見栄えの整理

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2011年 3月 7日 (月) 12:59:08 JST

Revision: 387
Author:   yoya
Date:     2011-03-07 12:59:08 +0900 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011)

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-------------- next part --------------
Modified: trunk/src/swf_tag.c
--- trunk/src/swf_tag.c	2011-03-07 03:57:45 UTC (rev 386)
+++ trunk/src/swf_tag.c	2011-03-07 03:59:08 UTC (rev 387)
@@ -840,10 +840,10 @@
 extern swf_tag_t * swf_tag_move(swf_tag_t *from_tag) {
     swf_tag_t *to_tag = calloc(sizeof(*to_tag), 1);
     to_tag->tag = from_tag->tag;
+    to_tag->length = from_tag->length;
+    to_tag->length_longformat = from_tag->length_longformat;
     to_tag->data = from_tag->data;
     from_tag->data = NULL;
-    to_tag->length = from_tag->length;
-    to_tag->length_longformat = from_tag->length_longformat;
     to_tag->detail = from_tag->detail;
     from_tag->detail = NULL;
     return to_tag;

Swfed-svn メーリングリストの案内
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