Error "Couldn't perform atomic initialization"
I am encountering the same issue on my SVN repositories. Please help! Also OP is a pretty cool dude.
Aparently the problem was solved!
The problem is happening, again.
It disappeared again??? Well I did send an E-Mail to
Reply To quiret
It disappeared again??? Well I did send an E-Mail to
At this very moment I don't have any sources to commit, so I can't guarantee that the problem has returned, however, when clicking on the revision number in my project, I can see the related page, and before, when the error happened , I couldn't see that page as an error was displayed. At this moment I can see, so I guess I don't have the problem anymore
Today the problem returns... some minutes after my last try the problem was gone... What are heppening?
Reply To derekwildstar
Today the problem returns... some minutes after my last try the problem was gone... What are heppening?
My guess is that the OSDN owner company is slacking on server maintenance. Read the post where it says "disk space". I am not entirely sure! I never get any E-Mail replies from them and my Japanese ain't good enough to call them... A real shame because OSDN was running so well when Shuji Sado ( ) was running things!
Reply To quiret
Reply To derekwildstar
Today the problem returns... some minutes after my last try the problem was gone... What are heppening? My guess is that the OSDN owner company is slacking on server maintenance. Read the post where it says "disk space". I am not entirely sure! I never get any E-Mail replies from them and my Japanese ain't good enough to call them... A real shame because OSDN was running so well when Shuji Sado ( ) was running things!
I assume this issue is not affecting everyone. I have over 20 repositories here. Does it have something to do with it?
Reply To derekwildstar
I assume this issue is not affecting everyone. I have over 20 repositories here. Does it have something to do with it?
Funny coincidence I would say! It could just show how enthusiast we are about development and SubVersion (SVN). Anyway, I did count, you currently have 23 and that's one more than I have... Really funny 🤣 Imagine what friggin work a migration for our codebases would imply.
Reply To quiret
Reply To derekwildstar
I assume this issue is not affecting everyone. I have over 20 repositories here. Does it have something to do with it?
Funny coincidence I would say! It could just show how enthusiast we are about development and SubVersion (SVN). Anyway, I did count, you currently have 23 and that's one more than I have... Really funny 🤣 Imagine what friggin work a migration for our codebases would imply.
About SVN, well, besides not liking to follow fads, I believe that for what I do, SVN is much better than GIT. Simple to use, and Tortoise SVN, in my opinion, is much better done than Tortoise GIT (which seems to have been made in a hurry to absorb a growing market).
About our problem, although it's a funny coincidence, maybe, in fact, we are taking up too much space on the OSDN, I don't know... If only someone came here to say if this is it, I would transfer some of my repositories back to SourceForge, by the way, I'm only here today on OSDN, because SourceForge was having a lot of problems a few years ago. I didn't want to migrate everything back there :/
Just now I tried to commit to one of my SVN repositories and I'm getting the error message "Couldn't perform atomic initialization".
When accessing via the website, I can browse my files that are on the server normally (Source Tree) but when clicking on any link with the revision number, an error message also appears: "Internal Error" with the following additional text: "We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again after a few minutes. If you get this error continuously, please file a new support ticket or contact"
I've noticed that all my project revision links are showing the same error message, but when I click on these same links in another developer's SVN project here on OSDN, the link works correctly, as if the problem is only affecting my profile.