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sso-proxy: 儲存庫摘要

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修訂. 時間 作者 訊息
r15 2008-10-06 08:49:09 shinsuke refactoring.
r14 2008-07-13 16:14:13 shinsuke added rewriter for cyboze office 7.
r13 2008-07-13 16:13:37 shinsuke removed nbsp because of shift jis conversion problem.
r12 2008-07-13 16:11:52 shinsuke supported multiple rewriter. organized imports. changed d...
r11 2008-07-12 08:03:08 shinsuke updated nekohtml and fixed an encoding problem at a conte...
r10 2008-07-11 22:54:29 shinsuke supported single cookie header. fixed error handling.
r9 2008-07-11 22:53:06 shinsuke enabled to change a quoation mark.
r8 2008-06-30 12:57:22 shinsuke added CookieAuthFilter.
r7 2008-06-27 22:36:52 shinsuke added error handling.
r6 2008-06-27 22:36:34 shinsuke added sample site(redmine demo).

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